Subject: Biology

Scientific Area:




Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1. Understand the fundamentals of the general composition, organization, and evolution of life.

2. Know the main basic and applied areas of Biology.

3. Develop the ability to analyze and evaluate problems of biological nature.


  1. Concept of science. The role of biological sciences and their interdisciplinarity.
  2. General concepts of Biology: evolution, information, and biological interactions.
  3. Main disciplines of Biology and their applicability.
  4. The main challenges in modern Biology.


Artigos científicos da especialidade. Vários.

Newsletters de Biologia e de Ecologia. Vários.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

The UC provides for:

a) Approach to content with student-centered teaching methodologies, based on the dialogued expository method and Problem Based Learning.

b) Presentation of biochallenges and their discussion in the Seminar component.

c) Use of multimedia resources, specialized scientific literature and scientific newsletters that cover current topics, challenges and discoveries in biology.

The UC assessment consists of continuous assessment, based on the following 3 criteria: attendance (20%); participation in thematic discussions (60%); critical analysis of bio-challenges (20%).