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Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students

STATUS - Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students é um projeto transnacional, aprovado no âmbito do programa ERASMUS+ KA220-HED (Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education) & TEMPUS (Ref.ª 2021-1-RS01-KA220-HED-00003219, 2021-2024).

A temática deste projeto, (...)

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Modelling anode spots in a DC glow discharge

Beautiful patterns on anodes of DC glow discharges have been observed for over a century. In addition to being of significant theoretical interest by themselves, self-organized patterns on liquid anodes of atmospheric pressure glow microdischarges reveal a non-trivial cancer-inhibiting capability.

Our goal was to compute self-organized patterns of spots on a flat metallic anode of a glow(...)

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Bifurcations in the theory of current transfer to cathodes of dc discharges..

Bifurcations in the theory of current transfer to cathodes of dc discharges and transitions between different modes

Concentration of electrical current onto the surface of electrodes of gas discharges in well-defined regions, or current spots, is often the rule rather than the exception. These spots occur on otherwise uniform electrode surfaces, a regime where one might expect a un(...)

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Modelling of plasma-electrode interaction in high-pressure arc discharge

Efficient methods of modelling of electric arcs in high-pressure environment are of high importance for many technical devices, and the interaction of arc plasmas with electrodes, in the first place, the cathode, is currently a bottleneck. This explains a surge of interest in plasma-electrode interaction inhigh-pressure arc discharges in the scientific community that has occurred over the past couple o(...)

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Physics of cathode spots in vacuum arcs

Understanding of mechanisms of operation of cathodic spots of vacuum arc discharges, including the role of explosive electron emission, is a challenging topic of high scientific interest and importance for applications. We conducted this research on the suggestion of, and in collaboration with, colleagues from Siemens Corporate Technology (Erlangen, Germany), one of the aims being application of result(...)

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GENHYMAPE - Genes and Hypertension in Madeira, financiado por “Intervir+ (European Regional Development Fund- FEDER)”, que pretende detetar uma associação entre polimorfismos de genes (candidatos à hipertensão arterial) e a existência da hipertensão arterial na Madeira.

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GENEMACOR - Genes in Madeira and Coronary Disease, financiado por “Intervir+ (European Regional Development Fund- FEDER)”, que pretende investigar as causas genéticas (polimorfismos) da doença coronária na Ilha da Madeira.

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Diversidade do Sistema HLA na População Portuguesa

Diversidade do Sistema HLA na População Portuguesa, desenvolvido entre 1999 e 2003 e financiado pelo Fundo Social Europeu através do Programa Operacional Plurifundos da Região Autónoma da Madeira.

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Diversidade Genética do Sistema HLA em Populações Africanas

Diversidade Genética do Sistema HLA em Populações Africanas (POCTI/BIA-BCM/60440/2004), em desenvolvimento desde Janeiro de 2005 e financiado pela FCT.

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Enhancing Mathematics Learning @Free State (EML@FS)

Enhancing Mathematics Learning @Free State (EML@FS) é um programa de formação em serviço de professores de matemática, cujo objetivo principal é contribuir para melhorar a aprendizagem dos alunos e desenvolver as suas habilidades matemáticas, destinado a professores de 4º grau do Free State Province – África do Sul. Com este propósito orientador, estabelecemos os seguintes objetivos: - Reforçar o conhe(...)

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Produção De Artefatos Educacionais Sociotecnológicos E Form. De Professores

O Projeto Produção De Artefatos Educacionais Sociotecnológicos E Formação De Professores Em Rede constitui uma oportunidade de parceria do CIE-UMa e a Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB (BR). Tem como objetivo compreender como e em que medida a produção colaborativa de artefactos educacionais sociotecnológicos estão articulados à cultura e aos processos identitários e se traduzem em experiências fo(...)

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Projeto ANAM - Estudo Perfil Passageiro

Projeto ANAM, 2011-2014, Estudo Perfil Passageiro, de António Almeida.

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Madeira Math Encounters XLVI

Encontro dedidado à Análise em dimensão infinita e aplicações. Em particular, equações diferenciais fraccionárias e análise de Mittag-Leffler.

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GAUMa colaboration in the new Encyclopedic Dictionary of Madeira

Researchers at GAUMa are responsible for 5 new entrees in the new Encyclopedic Dictionary of Madeira: 1) Astronomy; 2) International Year of Astronomy 2009; 3) Astronomy Group of the University of Madeira; 4) William Kingdom Clifford; 5) William Thomson (Lord Kelvin).

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Astronomy Week

Annual event - "Astronomy Week". This is an event which has been held since 2001 with the aim of, during a week, disclosing and promoting Astronomy alongside to the different schools in Madeira as well as the public in general.

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Primordial Black Holes

Study of Primordial Black Holes (PBHs): PBHs may have formed during the early stage of the Universe. At GAUMa we study theoretically its creation mechanisms, distribution throughout the Universe and eventual detection. PBHs allow us to track the primordial Universe and are pointed as the sources of the recently detected gravitational waves.

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Astronomical Observatory

Setup of the Astronomical Observatory on the Island of Madeira with the potential of using it for research work in collaboration with other institutions. It is also intended that the observatory be used for observation sessions by students from different schools in the island as well as by the public in general, and that it can work as a promotion vector for scientific tourism.

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Entrepreneurial Figures of Madeira

Subjects such as individual talent and collective intelligence, originality and cooperation will be worked on. In this context, research is justified because it is seen as a key strategy in the process of developing creative people and sustainable organizations.

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Baltazar Dias Theater Collection

A collection made in collaboration with the Baltazar Dias Theater, in the framework of the celebrations marking the 130th anniversary of its opening. The collection aims to disseminate the unpublished and forgotten works of the dramatic genre of Madeiran authors.

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Collection Mais Madeira - Juvenile and children's Encyclopedic Dictionary

Project in collaboration with the Municipality of Funchal that intends to inform children and adolescents the results of the investigations carried out within the ambit of the DEM. Reviewing the knowledge about the archipelago, almost 600 years since its discovery, represents opening doors for the future. Consisting of ten volumes with themes from economics to urbanism, from literature to history, the (...)

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Conferences at the Theater, Madeira from A to Z

A project in collaboration with the Municipal Theater Baltazar Dias and the Municipality of Funchal, that aims to disseminate to the general public the knowledge produced during the elaboration of the DEM. The conferences are of multidisciplinary nature, contemplating several monthly events. This event was classified by Jornal da Madeira, as the "cultural event of the year 2017", and will continue, in (...)

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Encyclopedic Dictionary of Madeira

Integrated in the “Aprender Madeira” Project, the Encyclopedic Dictionary proposes to update, synthesize, expand, understand and disseminate, in a contemporary perspective and with scientific rigor and pedagogical sense, knowledge accumulated about Madeira, seeking to join in the wake of those who, over the past centuries, have researched and written about Madeira.

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Madeira a Conhecer

The online and printed edition of authors and other relevant works for the knowledge of the literary heritage of Madeira and for a renewed vision of Portuguese literature as a whole. The main objective is to provide bibliographies, data and primary sources for students, professors and researchers in the area, as well as to disseminate an important collection for literature and culture, for the history (...)

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MITIEXcell - Improving M-ITI's excellence in R&D and international leverage

MITIExcell will enhance M-ITI's capacity in research and technological development, expanding human potential and promoting a critical mass of researchers with interdisciplinary Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) experience seeking to research and develop technologically innovative and humanistic solutions that take advantage of Madeira's geographic position to promote social justice, environmental susta(...)

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LeapFrog - Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation

The goal of this project is to expand the research and innovation potential of the Institute of Interactive Technologies of Madeira (M-ITI) of the University of Madeira through the hiring of an ERA director in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Design Innovation. The LEAPFROG HCI-DI aims to unlock the full potential of interdisciplinary research in interactive technologies, while strengthening innova(...)

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Beanstalk - Tools for analyzing tourism and marketing trends

Beanstalk is a multidisciplinary project with headquarters in the Institute of Interactive Technologies of Madeira, in partnership with the Association of Promotion of Madeira (AP Madeira). The objective is to design and create a prototype of new analytical tools to analyze Madeira's trends in tourism and marketing and to complement with a "transmedia" experience that potentially stimulates the local e(...)

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PIE News - Poverty, Income and Employment News

The overall ambition of the PIE News project is to promote the emergence of “commonfare” as an alternative economic model to combat poverty, a condition that affects about 25% of the European population. "Commonfare" is a new collaborative way of providing social assistance in equitable governance and proximity democracy. This involves engaging diverse stakeholders to facilitate the upward drive of col(...)

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AHA - Increased Human Assistance

This project is an ambitious scientific and technological venture that aims to provide solutions to alleviate the current and upcoming social, psychological and economic burden related to the sedentary lifestyle and aging-related morbidities. It gathers innovation and research in an interdisciplinary consortium with expertise in such diverse areas as Human Performance and Performance, Augmented Reality(...)

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