A UMa visa encontrar soluções adequadas, num quadro de responsabilidade, equidade e sustentabilidade, que contribuam para o desenvolvimento e afirmação da Madeira e do país num mundo globalizado e dinâmico

A Universidade prossegue a realização de atividades de investigação científica, promovendo a difusão e valorização social e económica do conhecimento e da inovação tecnológica. Garante a formação humana ao mais alto nível, nos seus aspetos cultural, científico, artístico, técnico e profissional, realizando ciclos de estudos conferentes de grau académico, CTeSP e outros cursos não conferentes de grau académico. Procura preparar os seus estudantes para os desafios da sociedade global e da formação ao longo da vida, transmitindo-lhes conhecimento científico, competência técnica e uma formação transversal.

The General Council is formed by twenty-one members. Eleven representatives are professors and researchers, three representatives are students, one representative is a member of staff and six are external to the University and of recognized merit with relevant knowledge and expertise for the institution.

Council Duties

"Members of the General Council do not represent groups or sectoral interests and carry out their duties independently."
In General Council Regulation, nº 1 and 2 of Article 2

The Management Council must gather once a month and, extraordinarily, when convened by the Rector or requested by any of its members. Decisions shall be made by simple majority, unless members are not present or their disagreement is duly set down in the Council minute.

Council Duties

Handling the administrative, financial and asset management of the institution, in addition to the management and hiring of human resources in compliance with the law for public entities endowed with administrative, asset and financial autonomy. Fostering the rationalization and efficiency of the University's services, with the power to delegate the necessary skills to organic units and service leaders for a more efficient management. Suggest sale, exchange or encumbrance of assets or participation in associations or societies.