Subject: Shared Core I

Scientific Area:

Preentive Medicine and Social Sciences


19 Hours

Number of ECTS:

5,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:


Stimulate the student's sensitivity and ethical reasoning, in conjunction with a more thorough humanistic training.

Social Sciences

To sensitize student's to the plurality of various social sciences in health problems, disease, death, and socio-cultural and ethical guidelines of the medical act.

Basic life support

Raise student's awareness to the importance of the cardio-respiratory resuscitation (CRR).

Training basic techniques of CRR.


Introduction to major issues and principles of Bioethics in its human aspects , nature bioethics and animal bioethics and their historical evolution. Interface in its expression in the social sciences.

In CRR not enough literate: it is necessary to train gestures and attitudes regularly.  To this end, we use models with Anatomy and Physiology simulators of the human being with different levels of complexity. 
Regular and targeted training ensures awareness of social function and, therefore, a cultured and participatory population.


Helga Kushe and Peter Singer A Companion to Bioethics Oxford, Blackwell Publishers,  2001; T. Beauchamp, J. Childress, Principles of Biomedical Ethics 5th edition New York, Oxford University Press, 2001; Albert R.Jonsen, Mark Siegler, William J. Winslade Clinical Ethics. A Practical Approach to Ethical Decisions in Clinical Medicine  Sixth Edition, McGrawHill, 2006;  para restante bibliografia completa consultar site da unidade curricular.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Learning evaluation

Exam with ethics and social science components.

Evaluation of Teaching:

Ethics and Social Science-theoretical evaluation, written proof

Basic life support-practical evaluation