Subject: Sports, Nature and Tourism I

Scientific Area:

Sports and Physical Education


40 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Recognize the role and importance of outdoor sports and recreational activities carried out in a natural environment as active and competitive tourism initiatives, regarding the regional environment.
2 - Identify and understand the environmental ethics factors and specific security procedures for each touristic activity/service;
3 - Understand and develop the basic skills specific to different activities, as well as the historical and sociocultural aspects inherent to each activity in the region.
4 - Develop observation skills, involvement analysis and security procedures.


1 - Understand the importance and role of nature activities and active tourism, in the regional context;
2 - Environmental ethics in the development of nature activities;
3 - Introduction to Safety Procedures in the development of nature activities;
4 - High touristic potential activities in region:
4.1 - Rope maneuvers:
4.1.1 - Knots;
4.1.2 - Abseil;
4.1.3 - Climbing;
4.1.4 - Canyoning
4.2 - Orienteering;
4.2.1 - Foot-o (Forest)
4.2.2 - Urban;
4.3 - Archery;
4.4 - Expedição
5 - Assessment of knowledge and skills.


Ewert, A. S. , 2014 , Outdoor Adventure Education - Foundations, Theory, and Research. , Human Kinetics
Redmond, K., Foran, A., Dwyer, S , 2010 , Quality Lesson Plans for Outdoor Education. , Human Kinetics.
Bunting, C. , 2006 , Interdisciplinary Teaching Through Outdoor Education.. Illinois: Human Kinetics. , Human Kinetics
Andersson, G. , 2017 , Cool, Awesome and Educational Orienteering- Part 2 , Silva
Koddrf, A. , 2003 , AMC Guide to outdoor leadership. , Appalachian Mountain Club Books.
Priest, S., & Gass, M.A. , 2005 , Effective Leadership In Adventure Programming (2nd Edition.). , Humsn Kinetics
Silva, F. , 2018 , Turismo e Desporto de Aventura. Atividades com Manobras de Corda. , Lidel
McNeil, C.; Cory-Wright, J.; Renfrew, T , 1998 , Teaching Orienteering (2nd Edition) , Human Kinetics

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical classes are predominantly exposititive, using audiovisual material and supported by digital and paper documentation. In theoretical-practical classes and laboratory practices, the content will be covered through practical situations, which enhance the experience of activities, developing environmental ethics and safety knowledge and skills. The student will be asked to prepare a portfolio about the experiences carried out in the Curricular Unit, framed with the sociocultural and historical components as well as the natural involvement inherent to the activity. Situations of debate, cooperation, analysis and critical reflection will be encouraged. The assessment includes 5 parameters: (i) a theoretical-practical test/exam (20%); (ii) two group works/ assignements (20% each); (iii) an individual critical reflection report (20%); (iv) continuous assessment throughout the semester (20%). Attendance in 75% of classes is mandatory.