Subject: Design Studio 1

Scientific Area:



96 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To engage students in the areas of design methodology and practice
2 - Think, reflect and project the three ­dimensional range of places, structures and relationships between humans and equipment, spaces, environments, places, lighting, acoustics and comfort.
3 - Exploration of the territories of Design as a structural element of the quality of the spaces, they have a temporary or domestic character.
4 - Awareness of the various materials, contemporary aesthetic and communication trends, applied to equipments or to temporary and ephemeral structures.
5 - This course is also intent to raise awareness for the study, analises and interpretation of spaces culture. This will give skills for creating and define new space narratives.


1 - Culture of spaces and places;
2 - Designing temporary or ephemeral spaces. Drawing tools for concept and technical representations.
3 - Spaces ergonomics.
4 - Digital modelling and cardboard models.
5 - Human centered applied to spacial design.
6 - Communication and visual design for projects presentation.


Julius Panero, Martin Zelnik , 2002 , Dimensionamento Humano Para Espaços Interiores , GG
Alvin R. Tilley, Henry Dreyfuss Associates , 2002 , The Measure of Man and Woman: Human Factors in Design , enry Dreyfuss Associates
Clare Cooper Marcus (Editor), Carolyn Francis; , 1998 , People Places: Design Guidelines for Urban Open Space , John Willey&sons
Ian Higgins , 2015 , Planejar Espaços Para o Design de Interiores , GG

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Exposition and explanation of the theoretical contents to support and integrate the practical activities. Learning-by-Doing translated into engaging with local and real problems and opportunities, and meeting real viability and feasibility levels to prototype new design solutions. Active and Collaborative Learning to build a culture of sharing and knowledge-skills support. The course evaluation consists in three main components: 1) continuous evaluation, giving special relevance to class participation, involvement and interest upon the propose assignments. 2) Its mandatory to attend at least of 75% of the total course classes. 3) The evaluation is made by group or individual design projects, considering the process, improvement and presentation. This course follows the C Model of the UMa's evaluation proceedings. The working students applies the same rules. The recurso exam is upon 1 of the design phases in which the student failed.