Subject: Project II

Scientific Area:



210 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Allow the mobilization of knowledge and skills acquired in solving theoretical or practical problems and real situations in a research or professional context.
2 - Carry out research work and present the results in the form of a dissertation.
3 - Design and prepare a development project in one of the themes and/or scientific areas of the study cycle, and present the respective implementation dossier.
4 - Apply the knowledge and skills acquired in real situations in a professional context (internship) and present the work developed in the form of a final report.


1 - Definition of the theme and preparation of the work plan for the thesis, project or internship.
2 - Implementation of the work plan.
3 - Application of the methodologies needed to execute the plan.
4 - Research, execution and collection of data and related information.
5 - Analysis and processing of data and relevant information.
6 - Research and preparation of the thesis/project/or final report
7 - Defense and final evaluation


G. Brunoir, J. Jiggins, R. Gallardo Cobos, O. Schmid , 2009 , New Challenges for Agricultural Research: Climate change, food security, rural development, agricultural knowledge systems. , Luxembourg, Directorate-General for Research Biotechnologie
M.S. Felix, I. Smith , 2019 , A Practical Guide to Dissertation and Thesis Writing , Cambridge Scholars Publishin
E. R. Girden , 2001 , Evaluating Research Articles: From Start to Finish, , Sage, London.
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) , 1995 , Agroecology: Creating the Synergism for a Sustainable Agriculture. , New York: UNDP.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching and learning methodologies are articulated with the pedagogical model of the study cycle as they were structured in accordance with the principle of 100% of ECTS in distance learning (210 hours of contact). To achieve the objectives and execute the program contents, contact hours are distributed into 130 asynchronous hours (OT), 80 synchronous hours (OE). The learning methodology favors autonomous work, with maximum student autonomy, encouraging the application of acquired knowledge and skills to theoretical or practical problems, promoting research and critical reflection on their part. The work will be guided through tutorials carried out in a synchronous or asynchronous manner of interaction between the supervisors and the master's student.