

- Ilha, Elisa Bertolotti, Susana Gonzaga, Valentina Vezzani, 24H WORLDWIDE DESIGN CONVERSATIONS Ed. 2020 | Polimi Design System - Dipartimento del Design, Politecnico di Milano, 6

- Experiencing Design Fieldwork: Walking Interviews on Madeira Island, Vanessa De Luca, Elisa Bertolotti, 978-3-031-47280-0, Springer, 2023

- 1 Question 10 Answers?. An exercise to examine methods of non-fiction story-making and processes of interpretation, Bertolotti, E., Serbanescu, A., 1646-9054, Convergências - Revista de Investigação e Ensino das Artes, 2022, 19

- Creative works in remote places, 5 Portuguese case Studies, Gonzaga, S., Bertolotti, E., Abreu, S., 978-961-6390-65-1, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS), 2022

- Learning by Walking. Educational Experiences in the Outdoors to Develop a (Design for) Sustainability Mindset., Bertolotti, E., Vezzani, V., END - International Conference on Education and New Developments 2022. Madeira, Portugal, 2022

- Walking in the gaps. Design and ecocultural trajectories in Madeira Island through walking interviews., Bertolotti, E., De Luca, V., 8th International Forum Design as a Process ?Disrupting Geographies in the Design World?. Bologna, Italy -, 2022

- Walk, talk and draw: Fieldwork in nature to unpack the complexities of sustainability, Bertolotti, Elisa; Valentina, Vezzani, Safe Harbours for Design Research. In: 14th International Conference of the European Academy of Design., 2021

- 2030 International RHIZomatic Assembly (IRHIZA), Baerten, N., Tassinari, V., Huybrechts, L., Bertolotti, E., 16th Participatory Design Conference PDC2020 ? Participation(s) otherwise. Manizales, Colombia, Universidad de Caldas, 2020

- Learning by walking, Elisa Bertolotti, Design per la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale immateriale - Symposium - Design del Prodotto Industriale e Advanced Design - Dipartimento di Architettura ? UNIBO - University of Bologna, Italy, 2020

- Playing with time and limits. Experiencing Ursula Ferrara?s animation process., Elisa Bertolotti, 1972-7887, PAD - Pages on Art and Design - PAD #19 Communication Design Apart #19, Vol. 13, 2020