Assistant Lecturer

Penteada University Campus , Floor 2, Office 2.74

(+351) 291 705 288 / 5288

At University of Madeira we have the opportunity to meet and contact many different scientific groups, fostering a multidisciplinary attitude and thinking for the teaching and research activities.

Biographical Notes

Eduardo Marques got his PhD in 2013 from the University of Madeira (UMa) in Informatics Engineering, specialising in Distributed Systems and Networks, with the title 'Interoperability and Optimization of the Management of Networks with the NSDL Framework'. Currently, he is a teacher (Professor Auxiliar) at the University of Madeira on the topics of Operating Systems and Security in Communication Systems and a researcher in network security and network management.
He has been involved, both either as a responsible and participant, in two European ERASMUS+ projects, namely, 'Virtual Resource Efficiency Gateway' (ViREG, 2013-2016) and, starting in November 2017, 'Development of a European study program: International Master's Degree for the Environmental Security Sector' (ENSEC). Other projects include InterReg 'Plataforma em la Nube para la Mejora de la Atención Socioasistencial de la Macaronesia' (PLASMAC), 'Smart Destinations' (SMARTDEST) and sports event security management, mainly in trail run competitions (application development, volunteer management and athlete control and security).
Between May 2017 and April 2021, he was responsible for the Coordination of the University of Madeira application development and communication support groups. He co-authored several journal papers, book chapters and conference papers. Until 2018, he supervised 18 MSc Dissertations.


- SmartDest project: Madeira Island implementation and experience, Eduardo Marques, Frederica Gonçalves, International Tourism Congress 2022, 2022

- Tourism Guidance Tracking and Safety Platform, Frederica Gonçalves; Ana Lúcia Martins; João Carlos Ferreira; Eduardo Marques; Magno Andrade; Luís Mota, LNICST, 2020 310

- Adapting ISO 27001 to a Public Institution, Carla Carvalho; Eduardo Marques, 2166-0727, CISTI'2019 - 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 2019

- Energy Resource Efficiency Policies Worldwide, Marques, E, Brito L.M.P.L., 978-1-5386-2066-3, International Conference in Engineering Applications: Energy and Sustainability in Small Developing, 2017, 7

- Context-aware framework for adaptive routing, Oliveira, A., Muakad C., Silva, J., Spinola, S., Sampaio, P.M.N., Marques, E.M.D., 3rd International Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT INfrastructures and Services (Advance 2014), 2014

- Design of OpenFlow Scenarios Based on the NSDL Framework: mapping NSDL into NS-3, Pinheiro, R.P., Fontes R.R., Sampaio, P.M.N., Marques, E.M.D., 3rd International Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT INfrastructures and Services (Advance 2014), 2014

- Simulation of OpenFlow Scenarios based on NSDL and NS-3, Pinheiro, R.P., Sampaio P.N.M., Fontes R.R., Marques, E.M.D., 2014 Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SummerSim 2014), 2014

- Simulation Of Openflow Scenarios Based On The NSDL Framework, Pinheiro, R.P., Fontes R.R., Sampaio, P.M.N., Marques, E.M.D., 978-90-77381-86-1, EUROSIS - The European Multidisciplinary Society for Modelling and Simulation Technology (ESM'2014), 2014, 5

- NSDL: An Integration Framework for the Network Modeling and Simulation, Eduardo M. D. Marques and Paulo N. M. Sampaio, 2010-3697, International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 2012, 5

- Providing a Graphical User Interface for the Modelling of Network Simulator 3 Scenarios, Marques, E.M.D.; Sousa J.J.F.; Sampaio, P.M.N., 978-90-77381-73-1, EUROSIS - The European Multidisciplinary Society for Modelling and Simulation Technology (ESM'2012), 2012, 5

Academic Qualifications

- PhD in Engenharia Informática, 2013, University of Madeira

- Master Degree in Tecnologia Multimédia, 2005, Universidade do Porto/Faculdade de Engenharia

- Undergraduate Degree in Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, 1998, University of Madeira

Current Duties

- Diretor da Academia Cisco/Universidade da Madeira -

- Responsável da Unidade de Comunicações e Informática