Duarte Luís de Freitas


Penteada University Campus , Floor 1, Office 1.6


(+351) 291 705 332 / 5332

Biographical Notes

Duarte Freitas is Professor of Sports at the University of Madeira (UMa), Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Madeira Island, Portugal, and is affiliated with the Centre of Research, Education, Innovation, and Intervention in Sport (CIFI2D) of the Faculty of Sports, University of Porto, Portugal. His special research areas are growth and biological maturation of children and adolescents, and their interrelationships with fundamental motor skills, motor coordination and performance. He earned a PhD in Sport Science, a MSc, and a Licentiate in Physical Education from the Faculty of Sport of the University of Porto. He also awarded a Master of Science (by Dissertation) in Statistics and a Postgraduate Degree in Statistics and Data Analysis, both from the University of Essex, UK. Before his PhD, he spent a year at the Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium, as a visiting student in "Growth and Development Lab" under the supervision of Professor Gaston Beunen. His PhD dissertation focused on human growth, biological maturation, physical fitness, physical activity, and socioeconomic status. He teaches "Motor Development", "Physical Activity, Fitness and Health", "Research Methods", and "Gymnastics" at University of Madeira. His ongoing research projects include "Genetic and environmental influences on physical activity, fitness and health: the Madeira family study" and the "Madeira youth athlete study". His research has published over 30 peer-reviewed journals and several book chapters and books. He is recipient of various external grants, including the Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research, and Technology (FCT). He was recognized with the "Zarco Award 2003". He played football (regional and university levels) and was a men's artistic gymnastic coach with athletes who competed in European and World Championships. He has as hobbies football, hiking and farming.


- Comparação dos valores de ?Time of Flight? e ?Horizontal Displacement? em dois momentos da época desportiva de Ginástica de Trampolins, Marques, G; Antunes, A.; Tavares, C., Rodrigues, V., Quintal, J., Freitas, D., Seminário Desporto e Ciência 2022, 2022

- Exploring mediation effects of gait speed, body balance, and falls in the relationship between physical activity and health-related quality of life in vulnerable older adults, Nascimento, M., Gouveia, É., Gouveia, B., Marques, A., França, C., Freitas, D., Campos, P., Ihle, A., 16604601, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 13

- O atleta infantojuvenil madeirense. Resultados do estudo longitudinal, Freitas, D., Gouveia, É., Antunes, A., Marques, G., Silva, R., Silva, A., Brazão, R., Jardim, P., Xíxaro, R., Delgado, M., Joana, S., Silva, C., Rodrigues, A., Fernandes, F., Maia, J., DESpertar no combate à pandemia motora, 2022

- Perception of the quality of life of older adults of Borba-AM, Brazil, Lima, A., Faber, M., Freitas, D., Silva, R., Moro, V., Pereira, L. Gouveia, É., 2525-3409, Research, Society and Development, 2022, 10

- Regional variation in growth status. The Peruvian health and optimist growth study, Bustamante, A., Santos, C., Pereira, S., Freitas, D., Katzmarzyk, P., Maia, J., 10420533, American Journal of Human Biology, 2022, 12

- Universidade, Ciência e Desporto, Freitas, D., Oração de sapiência proferida na sessão solene comemorativa do dia da Universidade da Madeira, 2022

- Academic Ceremony Honouring Emeritus Professor Dr. Johan Lefevre, Freitas, D., Academic Ceremony Honouring Emeritus Professor Dr. Johan Lefevre, 2021

- Ao Professor, orientador e amigo António Marques, Freitas, D., 1645-0523, Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto, 2021, 3

- Caraterização do crescimento somático, do somatótipo e dos níveis de aptidão das crianças da EB1/PE da Lombada, Marques, G; Antunes, A.; Gouveia, É.R.; Miguel, C.; Miguel. S.; Freitas, D., 978-989-8805-71-3, Seminário Desporto e Ciência 2020, 2021

- Correlações da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em pessoas Idosas da Região Autónoma da Madeira. Joaquim Pinheiro, Gouveia, E.R., Gouveia, B.R., Ihle, A., Marques, A., Kliegel, M., Freitas D.L., 978-989-8805-63-8, CDA/Universidade da Madeira, 2021 1

Academic Qualifications

- Master Degree in Estatística, 2012, University of Essex

- PhD in Ciência do Desporto, 2001, Universidade do Porto

- Master Degree in Ciências do Desporto, 1995, Universidade do Porto

- Undergraduate Degree in Educação Física, 1987, Universidade do Porto