Mestrado em Design de Media Interativos

The MDMI teaches you about digital interactive media, games and interactive storytelling, social and critical aspects of technology at the University of Madeira in the beautiful setting of Madeira island, in close collaboration with the Madeira-ITI international research centre. The MDMI gives direct access to PHD programs with several Portuguese leading universities and the international partnerships with CMU and UT Austin.


The MDMI teaches you about digital interactive media, games and interactive storytelling, social and critical aspects of technology at the University of Madeira in the beautiful setting of Madeira island, in close collaboration with the Madeira-ITI international research centre. The MDMI gives direct access to PHD programs with several Portuguese leading universities and the international partnerships with CMU and UT Austin.



4 semestres / 2 Anos






The Interactive Media Design course aims at the fundamental objective of training and qualifying active agents, aspiring or established professionals as well as researchers and academics in the creative field of interactive media providing students with cuttingedge knowledge related to interactive digital media and developing simultaneously skills necessary for their future application. Through involvement in projects, students have the opportunity to develop practical skills and gather experiences, while developing contacts that will be invaluable in accessing research networks and the labor market, in various sectors of industry, creative and technological, as creators, producers, designers , managers or entrepreneurs.


If you are interested in research in Interactive Digital Media, if you want to understand how to use interactive media to craft transformative and socially engaging experiences, if you want to engage with an international community of world class researchers and academics, the MDMI is what you are looking for.

A two year graduate program that engages students in the design of transformative experiences and development of technologies for change.

A Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior (A3ES) tem como missão garantir a qualidade do ensino superior em Portugal, através da avaliação e acreditação das instituições de ensino superior e dos seus ciclos de estudos.

Curso acreditado por 6 anos a partir de 05/04/2017. Consultar avaliação do curso >