
Polo Científico e Tecnológico da Madeira,
Caminho da Penteada, FLOOR -02
9020-105 - Funchal


(+351) 291 721 006

The Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI) is a research and development institute headquartered in Madeira. established as a private nonprofit association created at the end of 2009, its founding members are the University of Madeira, the Madeira Tecnopolo S.A. and the University of Carnegie Mellon. It operates in the multidisciplinary domain of Human-Computer Interaction encapsulating contributions from the areas of Informatics, Psychology and Design as a means to answer important scientific and technological challenges that are relevant for society and comprise significant economic impact. Its research mission includes expanding the knowledge of human experience with interactive technologies through fundamental and applied research, with innovation and responsiveness to the needs of the real world via a multidisciplinary collaboration based on numerous perspectives. M-ITI has collaborated on a national and international level, undertaken partnerships with the industry and other research and development centers, as well as other higher education institutions. M-ITI offers a doctorate in Cyber-Physical Systems in Networks and Cooperatives, in partnership with the Higher Technical Institute and the University of Carnegie Mellon, and a further doctorate in Digital Media as a result of a collaboration between the New University of Lisbon, the University of Porto and the University of Texas in Austin.

Polo Científico e Tecnológico da Madeira,
Caminho da Penteada, FLOOR -02
9020-105 - Funchal
(+351) 291 721 006
AHA - Increased Human Assistance

This project is an ambitious scientific and technological venture that aims to provide solutions to alleviate the current and upcoming social, psychological and economic burden related to the sedentary lifestyle and aging-related morbidities. It gathers innovation and research in an interdisciplinary consortium with expertise in such diverse areas as Human Performance and Performance, Augmented Reality(...)

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Beanstalk - Tools for analyzing tourism and marketing trends

Beanstalk is a multidisciplinary project with headquarters in the Institute of Interactive Technologies of Madeira, in partnership with the Association of Promotion of Madeira (AP Madeira). The objective is to design and create a prototype of new analytical tools to analyze Madeira's trends in tourism and marketing and to complement with a "transmedia" experience that potentially stimulates the local e(...)

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LeapFrog - Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation

The goal of this project is to expand the research and innovation potential of the Institute of Interactive Technologies of Madeira (M-ITI) of the University of Madeira through the hiring of an ERA director in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Design Innovation. The LEAPFROG HCI-DI aims to unlock the full potential of interdisciplinary research in interactive technologies, while strengthening innova(...)

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MITIEXcell - Improving M-ITI's excellence in R&D and international leverage

MITIExcell will enhance M-ITI's capacity in research and technological development, expanding human potential and promoting a critical mass of researchers with interdisciplinary Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) experience seeking to research and develop technologically innovative and humanistic solutions that take advantage of Madeira's geographic position to promote social justice, environmental susta(...)

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PIE News - Poverty, Income and Employment News

The overall ambition of the PIE News project is to promote the emergence of “commonfare” as an alternative economic model to combat poverty, a condition that affects about 25% of the European population. "Commonfare" is a new collaborative way of providing social assistance in equitable governance and proximity democracy. This involves engaging diverse stakeholders to facilitate the upward drive of col(...)

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