Postgraduate Degree in Business Management for Undergraduates in other fields

Organized by:

In partnership with:

 This degree approaches, in an integrated and systemic manner, the principal and most recent concepts of business management, focusing in leadership skills.
 It includes fundamental subjects in the field of management, through a pragmatic approach adapted to executives that never had the chance to acquire knowledge in the fields of management, or that seek a career in the field.
 It provides a permanent contact with the business reality, through the study of real cases and sharing of experien.ces, led by recognized managers and teaching staff.
 It delivers to students the most recent theoretical concepts and practical tools, that are considered to be fundamental to decision-making and to comprehend the main critical factors for the sucess of companies.
 It boosts the acquisition of know-how on innovative trends and tools, along with the development of competences in business management.

What differentiates this degree:

- Based on experience capital and knowledge that has been accumulated in over 30 editions, this degree is recognized in the business world as one of the most prestigious programmes for executives. It is suitable for those who intend to broaden their knowledge in the fields of management.
- This postgraduate degree has teaching staff of excellence with high reference patterns, that links high quality academic training with business experience.
- It enables the selection of the expertise area that best suits the candidate’s needs and objectives.
- It promotes the discussion, sharing and learning with teaching staff and fellow participants, fostering networking in an exclusive alumni network.
- Characterized by its participants’ heterogeneity, when it comes to academic background and professional experience, this programme guaranties a permanent adaptation to the personal growth needs and to the connection to professional context.

Course Direction and Teaching Body:

- Fernando Ferreira (INDEG-ISCTE) - Direction
- Ricardo Correia (UMa) - Direction
Para consultar mais informações sobre o corpo docente previsto para deste curso clique AQUI.

This course will be lectured fortnightly in the UMa facilities, with the following schedule: wednesday, thursday and Friday from 18:30-22:30 / saturday: 9:00-16:00, with a total of 200 Hours.


Organized by:

In partnership with:

 This degree approaches, in an integrated and systemic manner, the principal and most recent concepts of business management, focusing in leadership skills.
 It includes fundamental subjects in the field of management, through a pragmatic approach adapted to executives that never had the chance to acquire knowledge in the fields of management, or that seek a career in the field.
 It provides a permanent contact with the business reality, through the study of real cases and sharing of experien.ces, led by recognized managers and teaching staff.
 It delivers to students the most recent theoretical concepts and practical tools, that are considered to be fundamental to decision-making and to comprehend the main critical factors for the sucess of companies.
 It boosts the acquisition of know-how on innovative trends and tools, along with the development of competences in business management.

What differentiates this degree:

- Based on experience capital and knowledge that has been accumulated in over 30 editions, this degree is recognized in the business world as one of the most prestigious programmes for executives. It is suitable for those who intend to broaden their knowledge in the fields of management.
- This postgraduate degree has teaching staff of excellence with high reference patterns, that links high quality academic training with business experience.
- It enables the selection of the expertise area that best suits the candidate’s needs and objectives.
- It promotes the discussion, sharing and learning with teaching staff and fellow participants, fostering networking in an exclusive alumni network.
- Characterized by its participants’ heterogeneity, when it comes to academic background and professional experience, this programme guaranties a permanent adaptation to the personal growth needs and to the connection to professional context.

Course Direction and Teaching Body:

- Fernando Ferreira (INDEG-ISCTE) - Direction
- Ricardo Correia (UMa) - Direction
Para consultar mais informações sobre o corpo docente previsto para deste curso clique AQUI.

This course will be lectured fortnightly in the UMa facilities, with the following schedule: wednesday, thursday and Friday from 18:30-22:30 / saturday: 9:00-16:00, with a total of 200 Hours.


Duration of Studies:






Career Opportunities and Employability

Promove o desenvolvimento de competências pessoais essenciais para quem gere equipas, com uma postura crítica e empática, através da avaliação de casos práticos reais, nacionais e internacionais.


-Professionals, executives, managers and directors without academic training in management, and that want to acquire, deepen or complement their own knowledge and skills in the field of management;
-Seniors with training in other knowledge areas, that want to gain a 360º vision on business management, strengthening their own competences;
-Graduates in areas non-related to management, and that are determined to anticipate change and lead transformation, overcoming borders and breaking the mainstream.