Subject: Portuguese Non-Native Language A1

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

Understand familiar vocabulary and expressions of current use, about you, your family and your surroundings, inserted in simple sentences;

Understand very simple authentic documents: notices, posters, signage, SMS,

Give and request information of a personal and family nature, such as answering an informative questionnaire about yourself;

Ask questions and requests, using forms of delicacy;

Give your opinion, disagree or express agreement, through very simple sentences;

Make brief descriptions (oral and written) using very simple and trained phrases, referring to your place of residence and the people who share the space with you;

Report facts of daily life (oral and written, present, past and future);

Participate in a basic conversation, if the interlocutor speaks slowly and with reformulations;

To express oneself colloquially in the various places and services of everyday life, in a very simple and slow way;

Write small simple texts, even if using isolated and trained sentences.

Pronounce the terms, even if approximately, considering some specific sounds of the Portuguese;

Present orally a subject of your interest, in a simple and trained way;

Interact with your peers in small everyday situations.


Grammatical structures and basic lexical areas of the Portuguese language (presentations, jobs names, home, food, routines, services, clothing...;

verbal conjugation: simple tenses (indicative and imperative);

personal pronouns: subject and complements;

comprehension (oral, written and in interaction) and expression (oral, written and in interaction) in everyday situations, of elementary level.


Manual adotado

Tavares, Ana. (2014). Português XXI 1. (Nova Edição) Lisboa: LIDEL.

Ao longo das aulas, serão fornecidos aos alunos materiais complementares, em formato digital, disponibilizados em várias plataformas de apoio.

Outras fontes Documentos orientadores:

Council of Europe (2020). Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (Companion Volume). Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg. ISBN 978-92-871-8621-8 available at

Direção de Serviços de Língua e Cultura (2017). Referencial Camões PLE. Edição Camões, Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua I.P. ISBN 978-989-8751-10-2 available at

Assesssment methods and criteria:

The evaluation methodology, the program and the evaluation are developed around the communicative skills of:

COMPREHENSION (oral and written), PRODUCTION (oral and written) and INTERACTION (oral and written).

It is intended to evaluate the knowledge acquired for each of the competences mentioned, throughout the semester, through a summative and progressive evaluation. To this end, attendance and active participation in classes will be considered in the evaluation and constitute a decisive element for obtaining advantage.

The student's refusal to submit to any of the evaluative moments implies his non-approval in the UC