Subject: Mathematics

Scientific Area:



32 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To acquire mathematical knowledge at the secondary education level, with regard to real-valued functions of a real variable, and motivate them for further studies.


1 - Real-valued functions of a real variable
1.1 - Generalities; domain and range of a function
1.2 - Constant function, affine function, quadratic function, modulus function, polynomial function, rational function, radical function, exponential function, logarithmic function, piecewise function
1.3 - Trigonometric functions
1.4 - Solving equations, inequalities and systems of equations
1.5 - Sequences, arithmetic and geometric progressions, sequence limits
2 - Graphical representation of real-valued functions of a real variable
2.1 - Zeros of a function, monotonicity
2.2 - Limits of real-valued functions of a real variable
2.3 - Continuity, differentiability, Cauchy's Rule
2.4 - Sketch of a real-valued function of a real variable


B. Costa, E. Rodrigues , 2016 , Novo Espaço - Matemática A - 10º Ano , Porto Editora
B. Costa, E. Rodrigues , 2016 , Novo Espaço - Matemática A - 11º Ano , Porto Editora
B. Costa, E. Rodrigues , 2016 , Novo Espaço - Matemática A - 12º Ano , Porto Editora
J. Campos Ferreira , 2011 , Introdução à Análise Matemática (11ª Edição) , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
B. Costa , Exercícios de Matemática, 12º Ano , Edições ASA

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Classes include expository parts and others for solving practical exercises and are organised so that students interact with each other and with the teacher, providing a healthy environment for the exchange of opinions in order to favor the acquisition of independent work habits. The assessment of knowledge and application of concepts in solving particular problems is done through two mini-tests, each with a weight of 50%.