Subject: Chemistry

Scientific Area:



32 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The student should acquire and/or solidify fundamental knowledge in Chemistry, which will serve as a basis for eventual subsequent UCs.


1 - Introduction to Chemistry. The object of study of Chemistry. The scientific method. Classification of the matter. The physical states of matter. Physical and chemical properties. Extensive and intensive properties. The units of the International System. The scientific notation. Measurements and significant figures. Precision and accuracy.
2 - Atoms, molecules, and ions Dalton's atomic theory. Thomson's and Rutherford's atomic models. The internal structure of the atom. Atomic number and mass number. Isotopes. Atomic, molecular, and molar masses. Avogadro's number. Molecular and empirical formulas and their experimental determination. Ions and ionic compounds. The elementary composition of compounds. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds. The periodic table - basics.
3 - Transformations of the matter. Writing of chemical equations. Limiting reagents. Yield of a reaction. Aqueous solutions. Solubility and precipitation reactions. Acids and bases. Neutralization reactions. Oxidation numbers. Oxidation-reduction reactions: types of reactions and equations. Different forms of expressing the concentration of a solution. Dilution of solutions.
4 - The gaseous state. Macroscopic properties of a gas. Gas laws. The perfect gas equation. Dalton's law of partial pressures. The kinetic theory of gases. Gas diffusion and effusion.
5 - Energy: definition and forms. Heat. Open, closed and isolated systems. Exothermic and endothermic reactions and reaction enthalpy. Calorimetry. Specific heat and heat capacity. Standard formation enthalpies. Hess's law. State variables. The first law of thermodynamics, and the enthalpy.


Raymond Chang e Kenneth Goldsby , 2015 , Chemistry , McGraw Hill

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The curricular unit includes 24h of theoretical classes and 8h of theoretical-practical classes. In the former, the teacher's teaching is accompanied by multimedia projection; during these classes, the teacher is always open to discussions with the students. In the TP lessons, students are asked to solve problems from a proposed list. The evaluation of this course consists of 2 written tests (each with a weight of 50% for the final grade). The final approval is dependent on achieving a minimum score of 9.5 on each test.