Subject: Technologies and Web Applications

Scientific Area:



32 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - This discipline aims to provide students with the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and skills of architectural concepts used on the World Wide Web, the creation of Web content using content managers (CMS), and, basic cybersecurity.


1 - The Structure of the Internet: How the Internet Works.
2 - Smart use of web applications: browser, email.
3 - Publication of content on public platforms (blog, social networks, video).
4 - Production of web content with Wordpress (CMS).
5 - Essential Cybersecurity Concepts.


Abreu, Luís , 2012 , HTML5 - 2ª Edição Atualizada e Aumentada. , FCA Editora
Duckett, J. , 2011 , HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites , John Wiley & Sons
Williams, D. , 2019 , WordPress for Beginners 2020: A Visual Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering WordPress. , D. Willams
Mário Antunes, Baltazar Rodrigues , 2022 , Introdução à Cibersegurança , FCA Editora

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Both expository and active methods (active learning) should be used, including participatory exposition and group work. The assessment will be based on the practical demonstration of knowledge through practical projects and a final theoretical-practical test. Continuous Assessment - 50%: Weekly exercises and respective presentation, implementing and applying the knowledge acquired and developed in class. Use of computers to carry out practical exercises and learn some of the program's contents. Final Exam - 50%: Test of knowledge about the elements developed during the classes.