Subject: Portuguese (Literature)

Scientific Area:



3 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Know how to read and critically comment on a poetic text, a narrative text and an argumentative text.
2 - Knowing how to articulate different types of knowledge in text analysis.
3 - Reflect on the cultural and symbolic importance of the literary text.
4 - Know some key moments in world history and culture in the last three centuries and link these moments to the literary and educational dimension.
5 - Acquire cognitive, imaginative and critical skills.


1 - Preliminary reflections:
1.1 - The concept of literature
1.2 - The literary genres
1.3 - Literary eras and periods. Styles (period, author)
1.4 - Production/reception contexts. Myths/archetypes.
1.5 - Aesthetic and symbolic values
2 - Module 1: Romanticism, Realism and Symbolism
2.1 - Poetry: Anthology of the following authors: - Almeida Garrett - Antero de Quental - Cesário Verde - António Nobre - Camilo Pessanha.
2.2 - Cesário Verde
2.2.1 - Historical-literary context;
2.2.2 - The representation of the town and social types
2.2.3 - Wandering and imagination: the accidental observer
2.2.4 - Sensory perception and poetic transfiguration of reality
2.2.5 - The epic imaginary in "O Sentimento dum Ocidental"
2.3 - Theater text: Almeida Garrett: Um Auto de Gil Vicente.
2.4 - Novel: O Primo Basílio, Eça de Queiroz
2.4.1 - Historical-literary context
2.4.2 - The representation of social spaces and the critique of customs
2.4.3 - The description of the real and the role of sensations
2.4.4 - Plurality of actions; complexity of time, space and protagonists
2.4.5 - Style and language.
2.5 - Other Proses. Recommended Readings: Alexandre Herculano: Eurico o Presbítero; Camilo Castelo Branco: A Queda de um Anjo; Eça de Queirós: O Primo Basílio ou A Cidade e as Serras
3 - Module 2:From Orpheu to Contemporaneity
3.1 - 1. Fernando Pessoa
3.1.2 - Orthonym poetry
3.1.3 - Poetry of heteronyms
3.1.4 - Mensagem
3.2 - Poetry: Alexandre O'Neill, António Gedeão, António Ramos Rosa, Carlos de Oliveira, David Mourão-Ferreira, Eugénio de Andrade, Herberto Helder, Jorge de Sena, José Gomes Ferreira, Manuel Alegre, Mário de Sá-Carneiro, Ruy Belo, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, Vitorino Nemésio.
3.2.1 - Representations of the contemporary
3.2.2 - Literary tradition
3.2.3 - Figurations of the poet
3.2.4 - Poetic art
3.2.5 - Language, style and structure
3.3 - Theatre: José Cardoso Pires: O Render dos Heróis.
3.4 - The novel: Memorial do Convento, José Saramago
3.4.1 - Historical-literary context
3.4.2 - Themes and motifs
3.4.3 - Language and style
3.5 - Other Proses. Recommended Readings:Agustina Bessa Luís: A Sibila; Aquilino Ribeiro: Andam Faunos pelos Bosques; Carlos de Oliveira: Uma Abelha na Chuva; José Saramago: A Jangada de Pedra; Miguel Torga: Diário (excertos); Vitorino Nemésio: Mau Tempo no Canal.


V. Aguiar e Silva , 1994 , Teoria da Literatura , Almedina
J.O. Barata , 1991 , História do Teatro Português , Univ. Aberta
U. Eco , 1983 , Seis Passeios nos Bosques da Ficção , Difel
O. Mateus , 1989 , Teatro e Literatura. , Caminho
M. Moisés , 1998 , Dicionário de Termos Literários , Cultrix
C. Reis , 1997 , O Conhecimento da Literatura , Almedina
O. Lopes, A. J. Saraiva , 2001 , História da Literatura Portuguesa , Porto Editora
L. Antunes Paolinelli , 2021 , Os Poetas da Lusofonia , Ed. Esgotadas

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Brief historical-critical introduction by the professor, reading and commentary on the text, interventions by students, discussion. Interventions by external experts and viewing of films and documentaries. Production of small reports, didactic paths, critical summaries, summaries, power points, or other didactic material by the students.