Subject: Internship

Scientific Area:

Social Work and Orientation


780 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Consolidate and apply knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course;
2 - Train professional communication in providing services to clients and the community and in professional interrelationships;
3 - Assess the Elderly's needs regarding self-care behaviors for successful aging;
4 - Conceive, plan and implement actions and intervention plans to promote adaptive processes and active and successful aging, well-being and quality of life of the elderly, within the scope of their competence and under technical supervision;
5 - Collaborate in actions, projects or intervention programs to optimize the development of the elderly and successful aging;
6 - Document activities, evaluate results and propose suggestions for improvement.


1 - Integration in a multidisciplinary team and development of professional relationship skills with clients and other professionals.
2 - Design, planning and implementation, under technical supervision and integrated in the multidisciplinary team, of actions and intervention plans to promote adaptive processes of active and successful aging, well-being and quality of life of the elderly.
3 - Participation, in cooperation, in actions, projects or programs to optimize the development of the elderly and successful aging.
4 - Documentation of activities, evaluation of results and proposal of suggestions for improvement.


Vários , Bibliografia recomendada nas diversas unidades curriculares do curso e adequada aos contextos de trabalho, ao projeto individual de estágio e às atividades a desenvolver ,
de acordo com os orientadores , A redefinir caso a caso pelo orientador da Instituição de acolhimento e pelo docente orientador da UMa ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The aim is to apply the knowledge foreseen in the objectives and syllabus contents. Assessment according to Model C of the UMa Student Learning Assessment Regulation. In the final classification of the internship (training in a work context), the following are weighted: the student's performance during the internship, considering the previously defined training plan (50%) and the completion of a final report (50%). Final classification: weighted average of the classifications obtained by the performance evaluation and by the report. The approval implies that the student participates in 80% of the activities in the internship. The student who obtains a final grade equal to or greater than 10 in each of the evaluation components is considered approved in the internship curricular unit. There is no recovery of the note at the time of appeal.