Subject: Cultural Diversity and Social Integration

Scientific Area:

Sociology and Other Studies


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand concepts related to culture and cultural identity.
2 - Identify factors that promote social and cultural well-being.
3 - Develop sensitivity to recognize the characteristics of the elderly and the importance of culture for well-being and quality of life.
4 - Knowing intervention strategies to promote the sociocultural well-being of the elderly.
5 - Plan activities that promote the participation and sociocultural insertion of the elderly person in the community.


1 - Culture, identity, diversity and cultural well-being ? Conceptualization.
2 - Culture and Cultural Heritage
3 - Cultural activities and sociocultural inclusion of the elderly.
4 - Strategies to promote sociocultural inclusion and the well-being and quality of life of the elderly.


Wilson, A. , 2012 , Saúde, Doença e Diversidade cultural. , Lisboa: Instituto Piaget
Padilla, R. , 2012 , Cultural diversity of aging population , Atlanta: Elsevier
Carvalho, C., Dorneles, C. & Rebellato, C. , 2019 , Acesssibilidade cultural e envelhecimento. XV Encontro de Estudos multidisciplinares em Cultura , ENECULT
Antunes, M. C. , 2015 , Educação e envelhecimento bem sucedido: a realidade portuguesa. Chaves, Intervenção , s/ed.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The aim is to acquire and apply the knowledge foreseen in the objectives and syllabus contents. Assessment Methodology: Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20) Assessment according to Model B of the UMa Student Learning Assessment Regulation, namely in normal season. The approval of the curricular unit implies approval in all components (minimum 9.5). There is possibility of recovery in resource/improvement season for all components. The final classification is expressed on a scale of 0 to 20 values and is the teacher's responsibility.