Subject: Quality of Life and Well-Being

Scientific Area:

Social Work and Orientation


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Know general and transversal concepts related to quality of life and well-being during the aging process in different environments;
2 - Understand the impact of conditioning factors on quality of life and well-being in the elderly and in aging communities;
3 - Promote the adoption of behaviors favorable to successful aging;
4 - Understand the importance of quality of life and well-being in developing the potential of the elderly and communities.


1 - Concept of quality of life, well-being and successful aging;
2 - Conditioning factors of quality of life and well-being throughout the life cycle;
3 - Behaviours that favor successful aging and quality of life;
4 - Personal and environmental adaptive strategies to promote quality of life in the aging process;
5 - Barriers to quality of life in aging.


Fagulha, T., Duarte, M. E., & Miranda, M. J. , 2000 , A ?qualidade de vida?: Uma nova dimensão psicológica? , s/ed
Gordia, A. P., Quadros, T., Oliveira, M., & Campos, W. , 2011 , Qualidade de vida: Contexto histórico, definição, avaliação e fatores associados , s/ed
Loureiro, I., Miranda N. , 2010 , Promover a Saúde: dos fundamentos à Ação , Coimbra: Almedina
Pinto, T. C. , 2004 , Qualidade de Vida. Reflexões e debates em torno de um conceito , CET/ISCTE
Ribeiro, J.P. , 2012 , Felicidade, bem-estar, qualidade de vida e saúde , s/ed
Seidl, E.M.F & Zannon, C.M.LC , 2004 , Qualidade devida e saúde: aspetos conceituais e metodológicos , s/ed

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The aim is to acquire and apply the knowledge foreseen in the objectives and syllabus contents. Assessment Methodology: Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20) Assessment according to Model B of the UMa Student Learning Assessment Regulation, namely in normal season. The approval of the curricular unit implies approval in all components (minimum 9.5). There is possibility of recovery in resource/improvement season for all components. The final classification is expressed on a scale of 0 to 20 values and is the teacher's responsibility.