Subject: Ethics and deontology in Intervention for the Elderly, the Family and the Commun

Scientific Area:

Ethics and Philosophy


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Identify the scope of intervention of the technician to promote the quality of life of the elderly.
2 - Distinguish different types of normativity and professional responsibility.
3 - Reflect on the importance of ethics, deontology and legislation for professional practice.
4 - Recognize the relationship between client rights and professional responsibility


1 - Regulation of the profession: functional content, competences and performance evaluation.
2 - Ethics, deontology and legal and professional responsibility.
3 - Elderly person rights and humanization of services.


Amendoeira, J. , 2008 , A Ética das Profissões- ética e deontologia profissional , Lisboa: FORGEP
Araújo, L. , 2005 , Ética: uma introdução , Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda
Aristóteles/Trad. do grego de António de Castro Caeiro , 2009 , Ética a Nicómaco , Oxford University Press
Banks, S. & Nøhr, K. , 2008 , Ética prática para as profissões do trabalho social , Porto: Porto Editora
Carvalho, M. I. , 2016 , Ética aplicada ao Serviço Social- Dilemas e práticas profissionais. , Lidel
Camargo, M. , 2005 , Fundamentos da Ética Geral e Profissional , Petropolis: Vozes
Cortina, A., Martínez, E. , 2005 , Ética , Loyola
Galvão, P. , 2015 , Ética com razões , Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos
Perelman, C. , 2002 , Ética e direito , Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Satur, R. V., Silva, A. M. , 2020 , Ética na vida, nas profissões e nas organizações: reflexões para debate nos diversos cursos universitários e politécnicos , s/ed.
Silveira de Brito, J. H.(Coord) , 2007 , Ética das profissões: actas do Colóquio , Braga: Universidade CatólicaPortuguesa: Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The aim is to acquire and apply the knowledge foreseen in the objectives and syllabus contents. Assessment Methodology: Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20) Assessment according to Model B of the UMa Student Learning Assessment Regulation, namely in normal season. The approval of the curricular unit implies approval in all components (minimum 9.5). There is possibility of recovery in resource/improvement season for all components. The final classification is expressed on a scale of 0 to 20 values and is the teacher's responsibility.