Subject: Portuguese Expression Techniques

Scientific Area:

Mother Tongue and Literature


42 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand linguistic structures, aiming at the correct use of the Portuguese language, with a focus on speaking, writing and reading skills;
2 - Comprehensively know orality, reading and writing in Portuguese, allowing the elaboration of texts, reading comprehension and effective interpersonal communication;
3 - Train written expression in Portuguese and improve oral expression techniques, adapting linguistic-communicative or discursive skills to the needs of the technical profile.


1 - Generalities.
1.1 - Language, language and discourse.
1.2 - Language instrument of interaction and communication.
1.3 - Expression (individual) vs communication (social).
1.4 - Verbal expression and human relationship.
1.5 - Language and society.
2 - Textual models and techniques.
2.1 - Orality and writing: the characteristics of oral texts and written texts.
2.2 - Purpose of the text: social intervention.
2.3 - Oral expression and written expression.
2.4 - Project/activity report/resume.
3 - Written expression: reading and writing.
3.1 - Writing features.
3.2 - Spelling, accentuation and punctuation.
3.3 - Techniques of written expression.
3.4 - Simple and complex sentence.
3.5 - Interphrase cohesion: discourse connectors or articulators.
3.6 - From paragraph construction to text structure.
4 - Oral expression: listening and speaking.
4.1 - Orality features.
4.2 - Oral expression techniques.
4.3 - Oral exposition and its preparation.
4.4 - Types of oral presentation: testimony, lecture, seminar, workshop, conference, debate, interview.


Bergstrom, M. & Reis, N. , 1996 , Prontuário Ortográfico e Guia da Língua Portuguesa , Lisboa: Editorial Notícias
Brito, M. , 2010 , Gramática: Historia, Teorias e Aplicações , Fundação Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Letras.
Cunha, C. & Cintra, L. , 1984 , Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo , Lisboa: Edições J. Sá da Costa
Gomes, F. A. , 2008 , O Acordo Ortográfico , Porto: Porto Editora
Machado, J. P. , 1994 , Estrangeirismos na Língua Portuguesa , Lisboa: Editorial Notícias
Pinto Correia, D. & Estrela, E. , 1999 , Guia Essencial da Língua Portuguesa para a Comunicação Social , Lisboa: Editorial Notícias
Rodrigues Lapa, M. , 1999 , Estilística da Língua Portuguesa, , Coimbra: Coimbra Editora
Sardinha, L. & Nunes, C. , 1999 , Vocabulário, Regime Preposicional de Verbos , Lisboa: Didática Editora

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The aim is to acquire and apply the knowledge foreseen in the objectives and syllabus contents. Assessment Methodology: Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20) Assessment according to Model B of the UMa Student Learning Assessment Regulation, namely in normal season. The approval of the curricular unit implies approval in all components (minimum 9.5). There is possibility of recovery in resource/improvement season for all components. The final classification is expressed on a scale of 0 to 20 values and is the teacher's responsibility.

Subject Leader:

Naidea Nunes Nunes