Subject: Entrepreneurship

Scientific Area:

Management and Administration


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

0 - Strategic:
1 - Encouraging the development of an entrepreneurial culture;
2 - Development of technical and social skills, aimed at favoring and creating new technology-based entrepreneurship or intra-entrepreneurship projects, applied to the civil construction sector.
3 - Operational:
4 - Be able to understand the impact of entrepreneurship on economic and social development;
5 - Be able to understand the basic issues of entrepreneurship, main concepts and recognize the entrepreneurial process;
6 - Develop skills related to the entrepreneurship process, involving the set of topics relevant to the creation of new companies and innovation, supported by existing companies;
7 - Have acquired the ability to analyse and critically discuss real situations in the entrepreneurship process.


1 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship: Notions and Concepts; Innovation; Investigation and development; Entrepreneurship and intra-entrepreneurship; Technological entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and academic entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship and the economic and social development process; The dynamics of entrepreneurship and the factors of the environment.
2 - The role of the Entrepreneur: The profile of an entrepreneur: instrumental, personal, technical and management skills; Differences between a corporate entrepreneur and a new business entrepreneur.
3 - The Entrepreneurship Process: Systematization of the Entrepreneurship Process; Case Study.
4 - Intrapreneurship and innovation: The value chain of innovation activities.
5 - Definition and identification of a business opportunity: The identification of sources of opportunity and financing; The generation of ideas; Evaluation of opportunities; Decision making; Practical exercises.


Chiavenato, I. , 2007 , Empreendedorismo: Dando asas ao espírito Empreendedor , S. Paulo: Ed. Saraiva
s. aut. , ,
s. aut. , ,
a selecionar pelo docente , Documentos e artigos diversos Lpm ,
Docente , Folhas de apoio às aulas ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In accordance with the expected for the Professional Higher Technical Courses.