Master's Degree in Mathematics, Statistics And Applications

The cycle of studies oriented towards obtaining a Masters Degree in Mathematics, Statistics and Applications has the duration of 4 semesters (2 academic years). Those who obtain 120 ECTS in this cycle are awarded the title.
This masters aims to provide scientific training in different domains of Mathematics and Statistics, qualifying students to find a public or a private employment that values the acquired knowledge and skills (particularly in sectors with high scientific and technological incidence) or to deepen the knowledge in Mathematics or Statistics enrolling in a PhD programm.
A continuous update of knowledge/learning and a sustainable evolution are common characteristics of mathematicians and extremely valued by employing entities. Therefore, the course has been conceived in such a way that its graduates receive the necessary tools to overcome challenges and to think outside of the box. They will have the seeds to produce innovating ideas, for example, deducing theoretical aspects from natural phenomena.
The Masters in Mathematics, Statistics and Applications was recognized by the order of 08-08-2012 of the Secretary of State for Education and School Administration. It is aimed at those who intend to further their teaching career in basic education (recruitment group – 500), 3rd cycle and secondary education as foreseen in the terms of article 54 of the Teaching Career Statute.


The cycle of studies oriented towards obtaining a Masters Degree in Mathematics, Statistics and Applications has the duration of 4 semesters (2 academic years). Those who obtain 120 ECTS in this cycle are awarded the title.
This masters aims to provide scientific training in different domains of Mathematics and Statistics, qualifying students to find a public or a private employment that values the acquired knowledge and skills (particularly in sectors with high scientific and technological incidence) or to deepen the knowledge in Mathematics or Statistics enrolling in a PhD programm.
A continuous update of knowledge/learning and a sustainable evolution are common characteristics of mathematicians and extremely valued by employing entities. Therefore, the course has been conceived in such a way that its graduates receive the necessary tools to overcome challenges and to think outside of the box. They will have the seeds to produce innovating ideas, for example, deducing theoretical aspects from natural phenomena.
The Masters in Mathematics, Statistics and Applications was recognized by the order of 08-08-2012 of the Secretary of State for Education and School Administration. It is aimed at those who intend to further their teaching career in basic education (recruitment group – 500), 3rd cycle and secondary education as foreseen in the terms of article 54 of the Teaching Career Statute.




Duration of Studies:






Career Opportunities and Employability

As Mathematics is a broad subject and strongly related to innovation, science and technology, professionals in this area may pursue a career in innumerable places as they are qualified and able to: work in interdisciplinary environments, applying their problem-solving skills in new contexts related to Mathematics and particularly Statistics; carry out technical and consulting duties in planning or management offices in the area of banking, insurance, finances and services; carry out higher technician duties in public institutions; develop activities within the scope of model construction in forecasting and research issues; follow an academic career or one more focused on research.


This course is aimed at all those who hold an Undergraduate’s Degree in areas related to mathematics, engineering or other similar areas. Eligible applicants must either hold an undergraduate degree course or legal equivalent; a foreign university degree, recognized as complying with the objectives of an Undergraduate’s Degree; an academic, scientific or professional curriculum acknowledged by those responsible for the cycle of studies they wish to apply for.

"If you experience pleasure with mathematics, you will not easily forget it and then there will be a high probability that it will become something more: a favourite occupation, a professional tool, your own profession, or a great ambition." - George Pólya

* A consulta desta informação não invalida a consulta do Plano de Curso em Diário da República.

The mission of Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) is to contribute to improving the quality of Portuguese higher education, through the assessment and accreditation of higher education institutions and their study programmes.

Degree accredited for 6 anos, from 29/07/2015.. Check this degree’s evaluation >