Master's Degree in Linguistics: Societies And Cultures

The cycle of studies geared towards obtaining a Masters in Linguistics: Societies and Culture, is comprised of 4 semesters (2 academic years). Those who successfully obtain 120 ECTS are awarded the title. This masters offers an advanced training programme in linguistic studies applied to a range of different societies and cultures. The intention is to provide answers for the challenges and linguistic demands in the multilingual and multicultural contempory context.
The course aims at promoting research methods in Linguistics; identifying the importance of the scientific area of Linguistics as a factor of knowledge of societies and cultures, in wide and multidisciplinary contexts; researching and appreciating different linguistic identities in local, regional and national societies and cultures; providing in depth knowledge in linguistics with a focus on areas such as Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics, Discourse and Cognition, Geographic and Sociocultural Variation, Comparative Linguistics, Translation Studies, Second Language Acquisition, Phonetics and Prosody as well as Linguistic Revision and Editing; developing interdisciplinary studies based on the framework of Linguistics as a Social Science for a better understanding of societies and cultures, mainly through a qualitative analysis of empirical data; handling different relevant aspects of Linguistic Studies in different varieties and norms of the Portuguese Language in the Lusophone area in addition to other culture bearing languages; promoting language awareness in different communicative situations (intercultural and multidisciplinary) and contrastive analysis in the face of other interacting linguistic codes; developing efficient, clear and unambiguous communication skills, research proposals and sociocultural, linguistic and ethnographic action.




Duration of Studies:


The cycle of studies geared towards obtaining a Masters in Linguistics: Societies and Culture, is comprised of 4 semesters (2 academic years). Those who successfully obtain 120 ECTS are awarded the title. This masters offers an advanced training programme in linguistic studies applied to a range of different societies and cultures. The intention is to provide answers for the challenges and linguistic demands in the multilingual and multicultural contempory context.
The course aims at promoting research methods in Linguistics; identifying the importance of the scientific area of Linguistics as a factor of knowledge of societies and cultures, in wide and multidisciplinary contexts; researching and appreciating different linguistic identities in local, regional and national societies and cultures; providing in depth knowledge in linguistics with a focus on areas such as Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics, Discourse and Cognition, Geographic and Sociocultural Variation, Comparative Linguistics, Translation Studies, Second Language Acquisition, Phonetics and Prosody as well as Linguistic Revision and Editing; developing interdisciplinary studies based on the framework of Linguistics as a Social Science for a better understanding of societies and cultures, mainly through a qualitative analysis of empirical data; handling different relevant aspects of Linguistic Studies in different varieties and norms of the Portuguese Language in the Lusophone area in addition to other culture bearing languages; promoting language awareness in different communicative situations (intercultural and multidisciplinary) and contrastive analysis in the face of other interacting linguistic codes; developing efficient, clear and unambiguous communication skills, research proposals and sociocultural, linguistic and ethnographic action.




Duration of Studies:






Career Opportunities and Employability

Graduates are specialized in the area of Linguistic Studies, geared towards different professional areas in multicultural contexts such as: embassies and consular services, public relations, language and culture industries, intercultural communication, translation and text editing and revision. Graduates benefit from a transversal education, becoming aware of linguistic, cultural and human challenges of contemporary societies. Skilled to design and manage linguistic projects in the scope of the social and cultural diversity of the Portuguese language, as well as other languages, promoting their sociocultural and linguistic identity and heritage in different multidisciplinary, regional, national, european and international institutions and technical offices.


All candidates must hold one of the following: a bachelor's degree or a legal equivalent; a foreign academic degree, recognized as complying with the objectives of a bachelor's degree. They must also hold an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized by those responsible for the cycle of studies they wish to attend.

“Linguistics is the study of the nature of human language and is concerned with what all languages have in common as well as how individual languages differ from one another. It involves the study of how languages are structured, how they are learned, how they change through time and how they are used in different cultures and societies.” - In “Linguistics: School of Social Sciences”, The University of Western Australia. Available in (consultado a 28 de dezembro de 2017).

* A consulta desta informação não invalida a consulta do Plano de Curso em Diário da República.

The mission of Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) is to contribute to improving the quality of Portuguese higher education, through the assessment and accreditation of higher education institutions and their study programmes.

Degree accredited for 6 anos, from 14/01/2017.. Check this degree’s evaluation >