Master's Degree in Civil Engineering

The cycle of studies geared towards obtaining a Master's Degree in Civil Engineering is comprised of 4 semesters (2 academic years). Those who successfully obtain 120 ECTS are awarded the title. This cycle of studies strives to ensure solid and comprehensive training in the several fields of Civil Engineering. Its main objective is to develop skills initiated in the first cycle of studies. Graduates of this course will be able to: develop their professional activity by applying their theoretical, practical and experimental knowledge acquired throughout their training; understand and analyze in a permanent manner the resulting consequences of technical, economic, social and environmental development; design, carry out and maintain enterprises/systems.




Duration of Studies:


The cycle of studies geared towards obtaining a Master's Degree in Civil Engineering is comprised of 4 semesters (2 academic years). Those who successfully obtain 120 ECTS are awarded the title. This cycle of studies strives to ensure solid and comprehensive training in the several fields of Civil Engineering. Its main objective is to develop skills initiated in the first cycle of studies. Graduates of this course will be able to: develop their professional activity by applying their theoretical, practical and experimental knowledge acquired throughout their training; understand and analyze in a permanent manner the resulting consequences of technical, economic, social and environmental development; design, carry out and maintain enterprises/systems.




Duration of Studies:






Career Opportunities and Employability

Graduates of this course will be qualified to: carry out duties in project offices, industries linked to the building sector and infrastructure companies; carry out duties in central, regional and municipal services; carry out maintenance and operation management duties; carryout duties related to the assessment of heritage and property projects; carry out consultancy duties in service companies (banks and insurance companies); carry out technical-commercial activities; work in research and industrial development laboratories.


This course is specially designed for all holders of an undergraduate degree in the field of Civil Engineering or other related areas. All eligible candidates must hold one of the following: an undergraduate degree or a legal equivalent; a foreign academic degree, recognized as complying with the objectives of na undergraduate degree. They must also hold an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized by those responsible for the cycle of studies they wish to attend.

"Science is about knowing, engineering is about doing."
(Henry Petroski)

* A consulta desta informação não invalida a consulta do Plano de Curso em Diário da República.

The mission of Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) is to contribute to improving the quality of Portuguese higher education, through the assessment and accreditation of higher education institutions and their study programmes.

Degree accredited for 6 anos, from 25/08/2012.. Check this degree’s evaluation >

They are 20 + 5 (*) openings available.
(*) Specific openings for holders of licenciado degrees under the degree system, prior to the Bologna Process, in the scientific area of the Mestre degree and who have more than 5 years of relevant professional experience in the scientific area concerned, wish to benefit the provisions of sub-paragraph c ) Of Article 6 (2) of the Regulation of the 2nd cycle of studies of the University of Madeira. / (**) The mestrado will be taught in english.

Public Notice Cycles of studies leading to the Mestre Degree 2018/2019 - 1st Call
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Regulamento de Avaliação da Aprendizagem dos Alunos da Universidade da Madeira

Alteração ao Regulamento de Avaliação da Aprendizagem dos alunos da Universidade da Madeira

Regulamento dos Cursos de 2º Ciclo de Estudos