Subject: Foundations and Bearing Structures

Scientific Area:

Civil Engineering


80 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Acquire essential knowledge for professional activity in design and production areas (works management and supervision). The student will get an overview of the main aspects of design of foundations, focusing on three areas: geotechnical characterization, foundations and supporting structures.


1 - Geotechnical characterization: Field trials and laboratory testing for physical and mechanical characterization of soils. Reference to Eurocode 7 (EC7) parts 1 and 2. Safety verification in the light of EC7: ultimate limit states and serviceability limit state. Partial safety coefficients vs global security coefficient.
2 - Direct and semi-deep foundations in soils and rocks. Foundations: design, safety verification associated to the capacity of soils and to settlements, reduction and control of settlement limits.
3 - Indirect or deep foundations. Isolated piles and group of piles: Material, solutions and building technologies; design, limit states, empirical methods, analytical correlations, control and acceptance tests; evaluation of bearing capacity to vertical and horizontal actions, assessment and prediction of displacements. Quality control: Static and dynamic tests.
4 - Support structures: Active, passive and at rest Impulse. Phasing of excavation or landfill, and mobilization of impulses. Walls and curtains. Constructive solutions. Curtains of piles, molded walls, metal profiles, supported by shoring and support. Structures: retaining walls, retaining walls in L. Curtains for containment. Constructive processes.


M. Matos Fernandes , 2011 , Mecânica dos Solos. Introdução à Engenharia Geotécnica , FEUP
J.B. Martins , 2007 , Fundações ,
S.A. Coelho , 1996 , Tecnologia de Fundações , Escola Profissional Gustave Eiffel
J.E. Bowles , 1996 , Foundation Analysis and Design , McGraw-Hill

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
First Season - 2 tests (50% each) with theoretical issues and practical problems related to the subjects taught in the discipline - has objective to assess theoretical and theoretical and practical knowledge integrated in two tests that covers various topics of the course, which focuses on student's ability to relate parts of yhe syllabus. To pass the course the student has to acquire both: Final grade = mean {1st Test, 2nd Test} >= 9,5val; 1st Test grade >= 6,0val; 2nd Test grade >= 6,0val. Second and Third Season - 1 exam with theoretical issues and practical problems related to the subjects taught in the discipline - has objective to assess theoretical and theoretical and practical knowledge integrated in one exam that covers various topics of the course, which focuses on student's ability to relate parts of yhe syllabus. To pass the course the student has to acquire: Final grade >= 9,5val.