Subject: Project Spaces Design - Thesis

Scientific Area:



18 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Acquisition of deep level domain knowledge in a specific area of Spatial Design.
2 - Capacity development of problem solving and comprehension skills when confronting new situations containing multidimensional and interdisciplinary settings.
3 - Application of acquired knowledge and capacity developed during the previous semesters of the master program to solve real world problems.
4 - Demonstration of project development capacity.
5 - Demonstrate capacity to capture and interpret scientific data.
6 - Capacity to design a study and project development strategy, interpret the results and communicate these results in a graphical, written, and verbal formats.
7 - Develop an autonomous working capacity.
8 - Develop a critical thinking spirit in the interest of self driven project improvement.


1 - This discipline covers the development of a project, usually of conceptual or experimental in nature, the preparation of a written dissertation and a public presentation/defense of the work performed.
2 - Themes can be varied but should be in the scientific area of Spatial Design or in the intersection between specializations falling within the Design scientific area.


J. Reswick , 1994 , "What constitutes valid research? qualitative vs. quantitative research." Journal of Rehabilitation research and development ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
This curricular unit corresponds, in most cases, in the development of a project of conceptual or experimental nature. The project/dissertation is supervised by a professor or a researcher holding a PhD (additionally, it can also be further co-supervised by another professor, practicing professional or a researcher holding a PhD). A 45min/week of contact between mentor and student is expected to occur (considering 16 weeks). The assessment of this unit complies with the current Portuguese legislation for the award of a Master's degree as well as with the "Regulations for 2nd cycle courses" currently in effect in UMa.