Subject: Design Research

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - his course is intended as a place of confrontation , analyze, study and question what is the Research Design
2 - What is really delve into design, interface with research that takes place in practice project­ design and theoretical research
3 - UC study and theme definition with the student aims to become master. Research helps to reduce doubts and certainties increases . In order to conceive is the best strategy to address a complex problem in design, we have to go beyond the existing models and have a wide vision , working in an interdisciplinary way .
4 - This course in the seminars model aims to bring professional guests in the project areas , national, regional or international , so that everyone collaborate to build a knowledge broader and enhancer of new copyright languages, innovation and new capabilities research in Design


1 - Data collection methods.
2 - Analysis of case studies.
3 - Studies and empirical methods.
4 - Qualitative and quantitative methods.
5 - Professional practice developed into the level of a master's in design, can be guiding and generators of knowledge in a field of discipline.
6 - Scientific Methodology, dissertation structures.
7 - Project as applied research


Albarello, L. et al , Práticas e Métodos de Investigação em Ciências Sociais , Gradiva
BROWN, Tim. , Design Thinking: uma metodologia poderosa para decretar o fim das velhas ideias , Elsevier
Burdek, Bernard E. , História, Teoria e Prática do Design de Produtos , Blucher
Cross, Nigel , Design Thinking: Understanding How Designers Think and Work , Berg
Ecco, H , Como se faz uma tese em Ciências Sociais e Humanas , Editorial Presença
Friedman, Ken , Design Science and Design Education , University of Art and Design Helsinki UIAH
Yin, R. , Estudos de Caso. Planejamento e Métodos , Bookman

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Exhibition and dialogical method in the Theory component . Workshops with invited guests , professional design preference with recognized professional practice that contribute to the debate and awareness of the research in design. Contribute to building critical mass around the design of spaces . Evaluation by scientific articles , research theme definition and presentation of state of the art, previously agreed with the students, knowing that no element can weigh more than 50%.