Subject: Design Studio 3

Scientific Area:



96 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - This UC focuses on adaptive re­use of existing urban structures. This advance level studio will focus on dis­cused structures of residential, commercial, retail, and institutional nature and device design interventions strategies to re­ purpose them for new usage scenarios which will revitalize the urban environment. Giving to these places new identity, usages, quality and cultural meaning to the city and its citizens. This course also predicts a high level of students autonomy on project decisions, design options and the possibility to establish a path that can lead to further development in the final project thesis.


1 - The scope of this subject is to teach students the process expertise to approach projects of such complexity. From a standpoint of Design, students will start by: proposing a new usage function of a disused structure; analyse the structural alteration possibilities; conceptualize the character of the interior design; develop lighting, furniture, color and other relevant Design details.


Gail Greet Hannah , 2002 , Elements of Design:the Structure of Visual Relationships , Princeton Architectural Press
Weiss/Manfredi , 2015 , Public Natures: Evolutionary Infrastructures , Princeton Architectural Press

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Exposition and explanation of the theoretical contents to support and integrate the practical activities. We use Learning­by­Doing methodology, which is the one that provides a more engaging approach with local, real problems and opportunities, and meeting real viability and feasibility levels to prototype new design solutions. Active and Collaborative Learning to build a culture of sharing and knowledge­skills support and help to develop a more autonomous design abilities. The evaluation is continuos and based on the realization of assignments of the projects. The attendance is required in a minimum 75% of the total number of lessons. This UC follows the Model D of the UMa Student Evaluation Regulation. Working students should attend at least 50% of the lessons in order to be evaluated. The Resource exam only consider 30% of the final grade. The evaluation is continuos and based on the realization of assignments of the projects.