Subject: Space and Territory

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Design and anthropology are new interactions to think the social and cultural space. Space and territories aims to put into discussion the possibility of a productive dialogue between these two disciplines in academic terms, whether in professional practice. Some approaches of these disciplines have a common factor: understanding the material, social and cultural logic of the social groups studied, even the logic of change and innovations that emerge from a society or that are necessary to it. This explains the designers ' interest in anthropology in recent decades.


1 - Theoretical part/Multidisciplinary approach to the concepts of space: Authors and Reference concepts: -Friedrich Ratzel: Antropogeografia and geopolitical -Vidal de la Blache: Environment and Vital space -Roque de Barros Lara: Geographical determinism -Emile Durkheim: space, physical substrate of social life -Maurice Halbwachs: Social morphology and grouping modes; Space and Identity: space and Memory -Edward T. Hall: Proxemia. Body and Space: language and social Interactions -Marcel Maus, Claude Lévi-Strauss: Cultural constructions and symbolism -Marc Augé: Theory of Non-places or city No Future -Henri Lefebvre: Production of Space theory
2 - Case studies: -Maritime communities Coastal urban space; -Maritime territory VS. Land Territory -Representation, organization and sexual division of the territories.


M Augé , 1994 , Não-Lugares: Introdução a uma antropologia da supermodernidade. , Papirus
F Choay , 2003 , O Urbanismo: Utopia e realidades de uma antologia , Perspectiva
C Escallier, D Biget , 2011 , Ethnographie et Territoires , SIE
ET Hall , 1986 , A Dimensão oculta , Relógio D'Água Editores
ET Hall , 1994 , A Linguagem silenciosa , Relógio D'Água Editores
C Lévi-Strauss , 1950 , Tristes Trópicos , Ed 70
M Ségaud , 2007 , Anthropologie de l?espace. Habiter, fonder, distribuer, transformer , Armand Colin
F Silvano , 1997 , Territórios da identidade , Celta
F Silvano , 2001 , Antropologia do Espaço. Uma Introdução , Celta
YF Tuan , 1983 , Espaço e lugar: a perspectiva da experiência , Difel
YF Tuan , 1980 , Topofilia: um estudo da percepção, atitudes e valores do meio ambiente. , Difel
L. M. J. Cunha , 2003 , Entre espaço e representação: comunidade e memória social , Braga
A. RAPOPORT , 1972 , Pour une anthropologie de la maison , Dunot
H. Lefebvre , 1974 , La production de l'espace , Anthropos

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
PowerPoint support. Investigations and practical work oriented: Evaluation: 1) Individual proof (50%). The following topics: PowerPoint content; Personal notes; Pre and Pós-aulas investigations; Readings (closed, open questions, writing or text commentary). 2) Individual research work (50%)- written report and oral presentation