Subject: Project Management

Scientific Area:



48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Provide students with training in project planning, defining appropriate procedures, approach and requirements to meet stakeholder expectations, taking into account the constraints of time, costs, resources, quality and risk.
2 - Provide knowledge related to the application of the legislation related to the construction activity, namely regarding the elaboration of the project of a work and the public contracting.
3 - Give students a systemic approach to project management both from the point of view of design practice in Design and from the point of view of planning and appropriate technical procedures that derive from Engineering.
4 - Organization and management of the various phases of the project. From conception to implementation of a project, based on a systemic approach to the design and development of products or spaces.


1 - Project management
1.1 - Project Management Framework
1.2 - Project Life Cycle
1.3 - Project Planning, Management and Control
2 - Construction project
2.1 - Work Phases and their Stakeholders
2.2 - The design and the Project
3 - Public Procurement
3.1 - Contest and Contract Formation
4 - Design as process: steps, strategies and methodologies
4.1 - How do we design?
4.2 - Define rules and processes
4.3 - Document processes
4.4 - Identify and correct broken or failed processes
5 - Methodologies for collaborative processes
5.1 - Human Centred Design and the IDEO Toolkit for Collaborative Project Management
6 - Introduction to methodologies for projective, productive and consumption sustainability
6.1 - Minimize risks and increase creativity
6.2 - Reduce risk (increase likelihood of success)
6.3 - Setting expectations (reducing uncertainties)
6.4 - Repetition of processes (improvement of methods)


P. M. I. , 2013 , A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) , PMI
A. Miguel , 2015 , Gestão moderna de projetos , FCA
V. S. Roldão , 1992 , Gestão de projectos: Uma Perspectiva Integrada , Monitor
T. D. Pereira , 2015 , Gestão de projeto e contratação de empreitadas de obras. , Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
J. A. Faria , 2014 , Gestão de Obras e Segurança , Sebenta. FEUP
AAVV , 2014 , Situated Design Methods , The MITPress
K. Dorst , 2014 , Frame Innovation - Create New Thinking by Design , The MITPress
J. Mccarthy, P. Wright , 2015 , Taking [A]part - The Politics and Aesthetics of Participation in Experi- ence-Centered Design , The MITPress
E. Bono , 2005 , O pensamento lateral: um manual de criatividade , Pergaminho
G. Bonsiepe , 1992 , Teoria e prática do design industrial: Elementos para um manual crítico , Centro Português de Design
J. C. Jones , 1978 , Métodos de Diseño , Gustavo Gili
D. Moraes , 2010 , Metaprojetos: O design do design , Edgard Bluecher
B. Munari , 1981 , Fantasia, Invenção, Criatividade e Imaginação na Comunicação Visual , Presença
B. E. Bürdek , 2010 , DESIGN, História, Teoria e Prática do Design de Produtos , Blucher
- , Decreto-Lei nº 190/2012: Código dos Contratos Públicos ,
- , Portaria nº 701-H/2008: Conteúdo obrigatório do projeto de execução ,
- , Diversa legislação do setor da construção ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Lectures with the use of audio-visual means and framework for the exposure of the syllabus accompanied by practical examples and the exercises. Outside of classes the students develop practical works in order to apply the transmitted knowledge.The evaluation is performed by one test (25%) and three practical works (25% each).