Subject: Site Construction Principles

Scientific Area:



96 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Present students with training on the principles of construction showing the importance of this field in the regulatory environment in which it operates the project and the construction/remodeling of spaces.
2 - Provide the analysis methodologies of the physical behavior of buildings in the areas of hygrothermal, natural ventilation, acoustics, natural lighting and installations, in particular, water.
3 - Identify, formulate and solve problems related to the construction / remodeling of spaces.


1 - Thermal behavior
1.1 - Heat transmission mechanisms
1.2 - Steady and variable state
1.3 - Buildings Thermal balance and simplified methods for energy needs calculations
1.4 - Thermal bridges and insulations materials
2 - Humidity
2.1 - Humidity in buildings, causes and effects
2.2 - Psychrometric
2.3 - Moisture transport mechanisms
2.4 - Surface and interior condensation risk analysis
3 - Natural ventilation
3.1 - Wind ventilation and thermal action
3.2 - Airflows in order to meet air quality requirements
4 - Acoustics
4.1 - Sound propagation and measurement
4.2 - Geometrical acoustics
4.3 - Sound absorption and reverberation time
4.4 - Sound isolation and air percussion
5 - Daylighting
5.1 - Light physics and fundamental quantities
5.2 - Light sources and sky models
5.3 - Daylight factor
6 - Facilities
6.1 - Hidraulic instalations
6.2 - Sanitary facilities


F. M. A. Henriques , 2007 , Humidades em Paredes , LNEC
A. M. Rodrigues, A. Canha da Piedade, A. M. Braga , 2009 , Térmica de edifícios , Edições Orion
J. Viegas , 2010 , Ventilação Natural de Edifícios de Habitação , LNEC
J. Patrício , 2018 , Acústica nos edifícios , PUBLINDUSTRIA
A. J. Santos , 2014 , A iluminação natural nos edifícios. Uma perspetiva no âmbito do conforto ambiental e da eficiência energética , LNEC
V. Pedroso , 2016 , Manual dos Sistemas Prediais de Distribuição e Drenagem de Águas , LNEC
- , Regulamentos e Normas: RGEU, RJUE, SCE, REH, RECS, NP 1037-1, RGR, RRAE, DR23/95 ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Expositive classes with the use of audiovisual technologies and a framework for the presentation of the subjects accompanied by practical examples and the resolution of exercises. Outside of classes there is an individual practical work for each chapter of the syllabus. The evaluation is carried out through three tests (15% each) and six practical works (9.2% each).