Subject: Technical Drawing and 3d Rendering

Scientific Area:



80 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Seizure of basic knowledge of Technical Drawing as a language of communication.
2 - Seizure, application and development of basic knowledge relating to Computer Assited Design using the design platforms of 2D and 3D modeling of AutoDesk: AutoCad.


1 - Technical Design:
1.1 - Importance of Technical Drawing
1.2 - Standard rules Applied to Technical Drawing.
1.3 - Characterization of the types of plane projection.
1.4 - Practice of orthogonal axonometric and multiple projection in freehand drawing.
1.5 - Methodology of representation by using cuts and sections
1.6 - Technical dimensioning of Technical Drawing.
1.7 - Freehand drawing.
2 - Computer Assisted Design using the platform of AutoDesk: AutoCad:
2.1 - Introduction to the use of a graphics system: 2D Representation.
2.2 - Import and process plants, elevations and cuts.


CUNHA, L.V. , 2008 , Desenho técnico , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
SILVA, A., DIAS, J., SOUSA, L , 2001 , Desenho técnico moderno , LIDEL

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Type of Classification: Quantitative (0-20) Evaluation Type: Evaluation Methodology: 3 Projects related to the subjects taught in the discipline, with weights of 15%, 50% and 35%, respectively. - They have objectives to gauge the knowledge of the student through works that integrate several topics of the curricular unit. It allows the student to develop development skills in the field of Technical Design throughout the semester, evaluating their performance and changing strategies if necessary. The projects are developed in the period of classes (Normal Evaluation Period). This course unit does not apply the evaluation moments related to Time of Appeal and Special Time. Projects delivered after the defined date (within 1 week of delay) will have a worsening in the final grade. In case of doubt regarding the autonomous work developed by the student in the project (s) will be carried out an oral test.