Subject: Materiais e Estruturas

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Introduction to structural elements and systems, types of actions on structures and other basic concepts inherent to the conception of structures.
2 - Acquisition of basic knowledge about construction materials, their physical and mechanical properties and applications.
3 - Identification of construction systems and construction processes.


1 - Introduction to structures
1.1 - Structures - Purpose and function
1.2 - Actions on structures
1.3 - Structural elements and systems
1.4 - Structural safety
1.5 - Building structures. Construction typologies.
2 - Construction materials
2.1 - Physical and mechanical properties
2.2 - Construction materials. Identification and applications.
3 - Construction systems and processes
3.1 - Reinforced concrete elements
3.2 - Walls, pavement solutions and roofs
3.3 - Wall and floor claddings


I.H. Shames , 2002 , Estática: Mecânica para Engenharia ,
Lucas F. M. da Silva, J. F. Silva Gomes , 2010 , Introdução à Resistência dos Materiais ,
A.M. Bedford, W. Fowler , 2007 , Engineering Mechanics: Statics ,
Ambrose, J , 2002 , Simplified mechanics and strength of materials ,
Ashby, M , 2004 , Materials Selection in Mechanical Design ,
Lyons, A. , 2010 , Materials for architects and builders ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Oral and written presentations of the course syllabus. Application of practical examples to consolidate the theory. In terms of evaluation, two written tests (weighing 40% each) and two practical works (weighing 10% each) are offered to perform individually during the regular semester term. For the Complimentary and Special periods, an Exam is offered and the final grade is attributed in accordance with the results of this exam.