Subject: Interactive Media Design Project

Scientific Area:



220 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Develop a project in the field of interactive media, in one or several areas of multimedia knowledge, choosing a relevant theme within the Master.
2 - Describe the various aspects of the dissertation project, taking into account the theme, objectives and methodology chosen.
3 - Design and develop a project work, aiming at an original application of acquired knowledge and skills.
4 - Build a joint project with researchers from a public or private host.


1 - Designing and structuring a project in Interactive Media Design
2 - theme, objectives, conceptual and theoretical-methodological framing, state of the art review, quantitative and / or qualitative data analysis, its grounded interpretation and discussion of results.
3 - definition of the application contexts and the potential beneficiaries or target publics, the type of intervention intended, the material and human resources envisaged for its implementation and the expected results, with a view to satisfying social, cultural and economic purposes. identified


Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching methodology will consist of practical theoretical classes discussing topics, concepts, methodologies, plans and projects, as well as thematic seminars, inviting relevant researchers to the masters areas such as research units such as MITI, and professors who belong to research projects developed jointly with other national and international universities, as well as public and private entities outside the University, with which internship protocols will be established to welcome students, but also to encourage and support project work and even research projects. dissertation.