Subject: Dissertation

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


310 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - With the Dissertation it is intended that the student acquire scientific expertise to undertake original research work and scientific innovator, in the context of physical activity and sport, which promotes capacity-building initiative, decision-making and critical thinking. The Dissertation should also promote the study of new problems and applying innovative methodologies and domain. The student should acquirer the ability to hold a discussion about the relevance of the problem considered, their consistency and timeliness compared with the State of the art, beyond making a synthesis and get conclusions.


1 - Placing of new problems in the area of physical activity and sport;
2 - Scientific methodologies applied to the area of physical activity and sport;
3 - Analysis of scientific texts in the area of physical activity and sport;
4 - Elaboration of study design and decision-making relating to it;
5 - Elaboration of a dissertation.


Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The Advisor will have weekly meetings, such as tutorial, with the student, and it will do: -The assessment of the progress of work; -Give advice about the dissertation; -It will do the revision of written documents and the supervision of experimental work. The final ranking is given after the public discussion of the dissertation, and each element of the jury evaluate individually assigning a quantitative rating, on a scale from 0 to 20, taking account of the scientific quality of the dissertation; the quality of public presentation held and demonstrated ability during the public discussion.