Subject: Project Work

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The project work has as its objective the delimitation and definition of the subject of study in dissertation or theme and work to be done on stage. Aims to promote the quality of work the end of the course, ensuring greater support for the student, as well as, a moment of intermediate evaluation of the work already done on the subject of the master thesis/ work probation, allowing the student and his adviser take stock on the work already done.How is the ultimate goal of this U.C. is the skills development at the level of presentation of an oral communication, through a scientific poster, at a seminary/congress or scientific meeting. Competencies at the level of elaboration, development and communication of the poster, as well as the presentation and submission of a summary for the same. Competencies at the level of preparation and submission of a scientific paper.


1 - Problem;
2 - Definition and delimitation of the problem and the relevance of the study;
3 - Elaboration of the draft working with definition of the study design;
4 - Methods and procedures with determination of the methodology to be used in the study and the objectives of the work;
5 - Elaboration of a communication in Poster and a summary article on the subject of the poster
6 - Preparation of a scientific paper for submission


Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The Adviser will should have weekly meetings, such as tutorial, with the student, and it will do: -The assessment of the progress of work; -Follow scientific advice on the topic of the project; -It will do the review of written documents and the supervision of all phases of the project. -He it will do the support and guide the student in drafting the summary poster, and the scientific paper; Students will be assessed through the presentation and defense of a poster, as well as through an article about the subject presented, to evaluate by a jury. Also the work carried out over the semester it will be evaluated by their supervisor. The final evaluation shall take into account the evaluation of the supervisor (30%), poster (50%) and scientific paper (20%).