Subject: Geographical Information Systems and Modelling

Scientific Area:

Engineering and Related Technics


40 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The GIS and Modelling C.U. develops knowledge on data, spatial analysis and modelling, the development of WEBGIS platforms and Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) applied to rural development and plant production, as well as to the management and promotion of commercialization, information and food security activities. The U.C. has as objectives Understand the theoretical bases and application domains of GIS; Capture spatial (meta)data and organize data catalogues Develop spatial-temporal analysis/modelling exercises on the relationship of resources with conditions and processes in biological production Publish and share spatial data in knowledge networks.


1 - Spatially explicit agro-climatic and production parameters and sensors
2 - Components, dimensions and application domains of C&TIG in agriculture and food
3 - Parameters, sensors and data of climate, soil, water and vegetation
4 - (Geo-)referencing and management of spatial (meta)databases
5 - Spatial data quality assessment and management
6 - Spatial analysis and modelling in decision support systems in AB
7 - Spatial analysis and modelling of natural conditions patterns, practices, states and production monitoring
8 - Spatial analysis models for zoning, risk assessment and suitability in agro-ecological systems
9 - Spatial decision support systems operational in prescription maps and variable rate application (VRT)
10 - Information systems and infrastructure to support AB
11 - Collaborative management of knowledge networks and work in AB
12 - Traceability, certification and marketing and consumer support information systems


Bastos, R., Santos, M., Ramos, J. A., Vicente, J., Guerra, C., Alonso, J., Honrado, J., Ceia, R. S., Timóteo, S., & Cabral, J.A. , 2012 , Testing a novel spatially-explicit dynamic modelling approach in the scope of the laurel forest management for the endangered Azores bullfinch (Pyrrhula murina) conservation. ,
Fu, P., & Sun, J. , 2010 , Web GIS: Principles and Applications ,
Heywood, D. I., Cornelius, S. C., & Carver, S. J. , 2011 , An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems ,
Lloyd, C. D. , 2010 , Spatial data analysis. An introduction for GIS users ,
Rocha, J., & Abrantes, P. , 2019 , Geographic Information Systems and Science ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching and learning methodologies are in line with the pedagogical model of the study cycle as they have been structured according to the principle of 75% of ECTS in distance learning (30h), and 25% in face-to-face activities (10h). In order to achieve the objectives and carry out the syllabus, the contact hours are distributed as follows: 16 asynchronous hours (PT), 14 synchronous hours (PT), 4 face-to-face hours (PT) and 6 face-to-face hours (PT). The distance learning activities will be carried out in two introductory components which will teach the theoretical concepts, with the respective topics being deepened through asynchronous activities carried out by students guided by active tutors. The synchronous theoretical-practical classes are based on expository methodologies and questioning of the content. In asynchronous activities, group interaction will be used to develop practical work/projects in real situations, with teacher supervision.