Subject: Crop Protection in Organic Farming

Scientific Area:

Produção Agrícola e Animal


40 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - It is intended that the student cements his knowledge of agricultural entomology and phytopathology and for that, the student will be provided with the necessary tools for the analysis of phytosanitary problems and the adoption of the principles of plant protection in the Biological Production Mode (BPM). For that, the student will be enabled to know the main methodologies of survey and investigation applied to the main phytosanitary problems and to use the most recent tools of technological innovation through the application of the most adequate methodologies that will allow him/her to diagnose and identify the organisms related to any of the phytosanitary problems of the crops and to select the most adequate means of protection available in organic farming. Based on the applicable legislation in terms of use of products and means and intervention in MPB approved for each of the crops.


1 - Major phytopathogens (fungi, bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses and nematodes), pests (Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, Neuroptera; Arachnidea and Acari) and weed families and species of agricultural importance.
2 - The sustainable use of pesticides and the legislation applicable to organic farming.
3 - The active and basic substances authorized at Community level and in Portugal for use in organic farming. Active substances and basic substances that can be used in organic farming. Their conditions of use and mode of action.
4 - The protection means used in BPM: Biological (fungi, bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses and nematodes, predators and parasitoids), Biotechnical (RCI, ICI, pheromones and paraferomones, attractants and repellents), Genetic, Chemical, Cultural, Soil solarization, biofumigation and suppressive soils.
5 - Side effects of pesticides of natural origin on useful organisms.


R. Rossi , 2013 , Facts and figures on organic agriculture in the European Union , European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, Unit Economic Analysis of EU Agriculture
DGADR , 2017 , Guia para o produtor biológico ? Produção vegetal e animal , Direcção-Geral da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural
DSDA , 2016 , Plano Estratégico para a Agricultura Biológica 2016-2020 , Direção de Serviços de Desenvolvimento da Agricultura, Secretaria Regional de Agricultura e Pescas,
ENAB , 2016 , Resolução de Conselho de Ministros nº 110/2017, de 27 de julho: Aprova a Estratégia Nacional para a Agricultura Biológica (ENAB) e o Plano de Ação (PA) para a produção e promoção de produtos agrícolas e géneros alimentícios biológicos ,
R. Gwynn , The Manual of Biocontrol Agents , BCPC

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching and learning methodologies are articulated with the pedagogical model of the study cycle as they were structured accordingly, with the principle of 75% of ECTS in distance learning (30h), and 25% in face-to-face activities (10h). To achieve the objectives and execute the program contents, contact hours are distributed into 16 asynchronous hours (TP), 14 synchronous hours (TP), 4 face-to-face hours (S) and 6 face-to-face hours (TC). Teaching and learning methodologies include a period of synchronous work with students to frame the syllabus, and asynchronous autonomous activities, which include research, critical reflection and study by students, with the completion of work on the program topics, forums discussion, moderated by teachers. The face-to-face activities will be carried out under the coordination of the conductor, supported by common scripts and protocols, and will involve visiting case studies and applying the knowledge acquired.