Subject: History of Medicine

Scientific Area:

Preentive Medicine and Social Sciences


20 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

Objectives of the Discipline:
1. Make the student aware of the importance of the history of Medicine;
2. Give the student the historical anchorage of the exercise of the medical profession;
3. Make known the scientific, social and human contribution of distinguished doctors;
4. Make the student aware of the trajectory of the dissemination of medical knowledge over time;
5. Highlight the historical milestones reached in medical knowledge and the scope of innovations based on the anchoring of the experience gathered through the historical records of the practice of Medicine.


Lecture 1 - The Beginnings of Medicine
Lecture 2 - Arab Medicine and Medieval European Medicine
Lecture 3 - Medicine of the Renaissance Europe and Scientific Medicine of the 17th and 18th centuries
Lecture 4 - World Medicine from the 19th Century to the Present
Lecture 5 - History of Portuguese Medicine: from the Nationality Foundation to the Inauguration of the Hospital Real de Todos os Santos
Lecture 6 - History of Portuguese Medicine: from the Inauguration of the Royal Hospital of Todos os Santos to Portuguese Medicine Today
Lecture 7 - The Medicine of the Discoveries and the Beginning of Portuguese Colonization
Lesson 8 - Medical Education in the Autonomous Region of Madeira
Lesson 9 - Distinguished Portuguese Doctor - Pedro Hispano Portucalensis
Class 10 - Distinguished Portuguese Doctor - Amato Lusitano
Class 11 - Distinguished Portuguese Doctor  - Garcia d`Orta
Lesson 12 - Distinguished Portuguese Doctor - The Nobel Prize in Medicine Egas Moniz
Lesson 13 - History of Dental Medicine in Portugal
Lecture 14 - The great historical landmarks of Medicine
Lecture 15 - World Public Health in the historical records of the main Pandemics
Class 16 - Presentation and discussion of works presented by students
Class 17 - Presentation and discussion of works presented by students
Class 18 - Presentation and discussion of works presented by students

Literature/Sources: +PORTUGAL&rlz=1C1GCEA_enPT860PT860&oq=hIST%C3%93RIA+DA+mEDICI NA- +PORTUGAL&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l4.14479j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Prof. Martins e Silva. Anotações sobre a história do ensino da Medicina em Lisboa, desde a criação da Universidade Portuguesa até 1911 ? 1ª Parte. RFML 2002; Série III; 7 (5): 237-249

João Frada.

Tese Rita Sousa e Melo. Universidade Fernando Pessoa. 2013. História das Drogas e Doenças do Império Português.

A Escola médico-cirúrgica do Funchal ? Ana Rita Londral, 2015 - file:///C:/Users/Medicina/OneDrive%20%20Universidade%20da%20Mad eira/Desktop/escola%20médico-cirúrgica%20do%20funchal%20- %20Aprender%20Madeira.html~

A Escola médico-cirúrgica do Funchal ? Ana Rita Londral, 2015 - file:///C:/Users/Medicina/OneDrive%20%20Universidade%20da%20Madeira/Desktop /escola%20médico-cirúrgica%20do%20funchal%20-%20Aprender%20Madeira.htmlão_XXI

Garcia de Orta - Arlindo Correia

Delgado MR. Lusíada. História. Lisboa. II Série, n.º 1 (2004)

Liberato MC, Rev de Ciências Agrárias,2011, 34 (1),Jan-Jun

Carvalho TN, Workshop Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterapêuticas nos Trópicos. IICT /CCCM, 29, 30 e 31 de Outubro de 2008 No rasto da árvore-triste (Nycthanthes arbor-tristis L.) nos textos botânicos dos séculos XVI e XVII.

Full text of "Coloquios dos simples e drogas da India"

Guy de Chauliac`s Surgery, Avignon,1460

Carvalho AS. História da Estomatologia. Dentes, Dentistas e Odontólogos. 1938. Rev Port de Est, nº 12, 45:56
História da Odontologia. Elias Rosenthal, CD. Jornal APCD. Out. 1995

Meyer Friedman e Gerald W. Friedland, acesso em

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Evaluation: The final evaluation will be given a numerical classification based on the presence and interaction in classes and presentation of a short presentation of a powerpoint on a free theme of medical history, which does not exceed 20 minutes, to be held in the last 3 classes, by scheduling its distribution.