Subject: Module II.I.

Scientific Area:

Anatomia e Biologia Celular/Ciências Funcionais


138 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:


Meet the Human Body

Theoretical and practical learning of Normal Human Anatomy by systems and regions. This learning is done with functional guidance, integrating knowledge of Topographic and Applied Anatomy (clinical and imaging). The Anatomy Disciplinary Area program covers the teaching of general anatomy - General Anatomy - with the exception of the Central Nervous System and Estesiology; these matters, essentially Neuroanatomy, constitute the scope of the Chair of Neuroanatomy.

Become a University Student

Acquire the pedagogical baggage necessary for the subsequent deepening of the basic knowledge obtained and promote the capacity and motivation for their continuous updating, in the various specialized areas of pre- and postgraduate medicine.

Develop a Scientific Attitude

Stimulate the spirit of observation and scientific curiosity that allow us to distinguish what is frequent from what is rare and what is important from what is not, valuing individual variations and trying to clarify their meaning.

Learning to be a doctor

Introduction to the study of the Human Organism, the terminology and general methodology of Medical Sciences, as well as the ethical and scientific principles of medical conduct towards the human body observed dead or alive.


Getting to know the human body

- Constitution

- Descriptive standard

- Anatomical normality

- Terminology

- Anatomical normality. Variations and deviations

Learn the anatomical bases necessary for the training of General Practitioners

Develop a scientific attitude


Presentation of the Disciplinary Area. Introduction to Anatomy. Calendar of Classes and Assessment. Study Bibliography. Introduction to Anatomy and the Locomotor System, osteology, arthrology and myology. Introduction to Anatomical Imaging methods; Skull Bones; Bones of the Face, Head Joints and Head Muscles; Bones and Joints and Muscles of the Spine. Biomechanics and Functional Spine Anatomy; Head and Spine Imaging; Thorax: Walls; Diaphragm. Ventilatory Mechanics. Imaging the chest walls; Abdomen and pelvis: walls; Upper Limb: Bones, Muscles and Joints; Lower Limb: Bones, Muscles and Joints; Imaging of Members; Introduction to the Vascular System: Arteries, Veins and Lymphatics. Upper limb vascularization; Lower Limb Vascularization; Vascular Imaging of the Limbs; Introduction to the Nervous System; Cranial nerves I-VIII; Cranial nerves IX-XII; Cervical plexus; Brachial Plexus; Thoracic Nerves and Lumbar Plexus; Sacred and Sacrococcygeal Plexuses.


Bibliografia Básica: 1. Manual de Anatomia Humana, A. Gonçalves Ferreira, I Álvares Furtado, L Lucas Neto. 1ª Ed. Prime Books, 2020. 2. Human Anatomy. K Saladin. Ed Mc Graw - Hill. 2013 (4ª Ed.). 3. Anatomie Humaine. H Rouvière, A Delmas. Ed Masson et Cie. 2002.( 15ìème Ed.). 4. Gray`s Anatomy -The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. Elsevier Saunders, 2015 (41ª Ed.). 5. Clinical Anatomy by Systems. R Snell, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2007 (1st Ed). 6. Anatomia Humana da Locomoção. J A. Esperança Pina. Lidel Edições Técnicas 2014 (5ª Ed.). 


Assesssment methods and criteria:

Theoretical assessment (included in the overall assessment of the module)

Practical assessment

The final evaluation of the students comprises 2 components:

- Continuous assessment in practical classes (20% weight) (minimum score 9.5)

- Final Practical Assessment - Oral exam (80% weight) (minimum score 9.5)