Subject: Intervention in Crisis and Catastrophe

Scientific Area:



32 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Acquire knowledge about acting in situations of crisis and catastrophe.
2 - Identify factors to be considered by health professionals and nurses, at different levels of intervention, in the face of crisis and catastrophe situations.
3 - To acquire technical and instrumental skills necessary for an adequate nursing performance in different situations of crisis and catastrophe.
4 - Learn strategies to deal with the psychosocial impact of crisis and catastrophe situations both personally and professionally.


1 - Crisis and catastrophe: concepts and meanings. Classification and associated characteristics and triggering factors.
2 - Different levels of intervention to crises and catastrophes. Different stages, needs, diagnoses, plans and action programs. Immediate action, mediated, along the process and late.
3 - Assessment of the impact of the crisis and catastrophe on the health of populations and communities.
4 - Models, strategies and resources appropriate to the intervention.
5 - Intervention of the nurse in the psychosocial field and in the changes of health in the populations affected.
6 - Physical and psychosocial first aid.
7 - Key issues of communication in crisis and catastrophe.
8 - The organization and evolutionary processes related to the intervention team in crisis: identification of needs, management of stress and psychological support and support in crisis and catastrophe.
9 - Late reactions caused by the crisis and catastrophe.
10 - Balance and evaluation of the results of the intervention.


P. S. Pinto , 2012 , Boas Práticas A intervenção psicossocial em situações de catástrofe, crise e emergência. O modelo de primeiros socorros psicológicos, Impacto, Reação e Reorientação , Nursing nº 280
Escola Superior de Saúde , 2017 , Projeto de intervenção psicossocial em situações de crise, emergência e catástrofe , Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre.
P. Arriaga, N. Félix, E. Ulrich , 2011 , sicologia das crises e das catástrofes: O importante papel de factores cognitivos e afectivos na percepção de risco de terrorismo ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In addition to the theoretical sessions that will take place in the classroom, situations will be simulated involving the mobilization of knowledge acquired by the students that will be necessary for the foundation of the acts practiced in the face of critical situations. The simulations may also provide opportunities for self-analysis and reflection shared with colleagues and guidance counselor on the demands placed on them, both personally and as future professionals, to intervene in times of crisis and catastrophe. the evaluation will be in accordance with the model B foreseen in the RAAAUMa, based on a seminar work to be carried out by the students and by the delivery of a dossier that compiles elements that reflect and substantiate the level of learning achieved, whose weighting will be equal to the grade of the discipline-50%. Minimum classification in each element 9.5, being both susceptible of recovery in time of appeal and improvement according to the statute of the students.