Subject: Electromagnetism

Scientific Area:



80 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Master the most important basic concepts of Electromagnetism and knowing how to apply theoretical knowledge to solve simple problems.
2 - Apply mathematical models to the phenomena of everyday life, nature and technology, perform numerical estimates.
3 - Develop curiosity and critical thinking.


1 - Electric Charge and Electric Field
1.1 - Electric charge
1.2 - Coulomb's law
1.3 - Electric field
2 - Electrostatics
2.1 - Work in electric field
2.2 - Potential of electric field
2.3 - Energy of distributions of charges
2.4 - Notion of flow of a vector field
2.5 - Gauss's law
2.6 - Fields created by simple distributions of charges
2.7 - Differential form of Gauss's law
2.8 - Electric field in an ideal conductor
2.9 - Capacitance and capacitors
3 - Polarization of Matter
3.1 - Polarization
3.2 - Electric displacement
3.3 - Energy density of electric field in matter
4 - Direct Electric Current
4.1 - Movement of charges and electric current
4.2 - Ohm's law
4.3 - Microscopic vision of transport of current in matter
4.4 - Energy dissipated in a resistance and Joule effect
4.5 - Electromotive force
4.6 - Analysis of circuits and Kirchhoff's laws
5 - Magnetic Field
5.1 - Magnetic field and its effect on moving charges. The Lorentz force
5.2 - Effect of magnetic field on electric current. The Laplace force
6 - Magnetostatics
6.1 - Production of magnetic field by current. The Biot-Savart law
6.2 - Interaction between two parallel wires
6.3 - Ampere's law
6.4 - Magnetic flux
7 - Variable Magnetic Fields and Electromagnetic Induction
7.1 - Electromagnetic induction and Faraday's law
7.2 - Lenz's law and Foucault currents
7.3 - Mutual induction and self-induction
7.4 - Energy in inductive circuits
8 - Magnetization of Matter
8.1 - Diamagnetism, paramagnetism and ferromagnetism
8.2 - Magnetization and magnetic field strength
8.3 - Energy density of magnetic fields in matter
9 - Maxwell's Equations
9.1 - Displacement current
9.2 - Maxwell's equations
9.3 - Electromagnetic waves
10 - Alternating Current Circuits
10.1 - Elements of alternating current circuits
10.2 - Impedance
10.3 - Examples of calculation of alternating current circuits
10.4 - Power in AC circuits
11 - Poynting's Theorem and Electromagnetic Momentum
11.1 - Poynting's theorem
11.2 - Electromagnetic momentum
12 - Vector Potential
12.1 - Definition and properties of vector potential
12.2 - Vector potential of simple fields
12.3 - Scalar potential in the non-stationary case
12.4 - Maxwell's equations in terms of potentials
13 - Sinusoidal electromagnetic waves
13.1 - Sinusoidal plane wave
13.2 - Harmonic plane waves in non-conducting media
13.3 - Plane waves in conducting media


R. Resnick e D. Halliday , 1984 , Física , Livros Técnicos e Científicos
J. P. McKelvey e H. Grotch , 1979 , Física. , Harper & Row do Brasil
R. K. Wangness , 1986 , Electromagnetic Fields , Wiley
R. A. Serway, J. W. Jewett , 2014 , Physics for Scientists and Engineers , Brooks/Cencage Learning
J. E. Villate , 1999 , Electromagnetismo , McGraw-Hill

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Blackboard will be used in theoretical classes to present the contents. The video projector can be used to display figures, plots, and tables. In theoretical-practical classes, students will solve problems from the problem sheets prepared by the teacher. During the semester, students will do two tests, each one counts for 50% of the grade. The tests have as objective the assessment of theoretical and theoretical-practical knowledge. Each test covers several topics of the curricular unit and requires from students, in particular, the ability to inter-relate different parts of the subject. The student may, during the semester, evaluate his/her performance and change strategies if necessary. Students can repeat one or two tests during the re-sitting period. Assessment Model: A