Subject: Sports Training II - Dance

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


160 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 Identify and interpret the factors of the teaching - learning process that influence the planning and practice of Swimming in the school environment

2 Demonstrate ability to observe and analyze actions in the aquatic environment

3 Master and apply the basic knowledge of Swimming and sports training in an integrated way

4 To adopt a scientific attitude and a reflexive critical method

5 Reveal initiative and innovation in Sports Training

6 Assume availability and motivation for teamwork, privileging the sharing of information and behaviors of solidarity and mutual aid

7 Using information technologies and effective communication in the application of knowledge of sport and swimming

8 To manage the sports training process of a team of swimmers, evaluating, planning and organizing training sessions and sports activities for different groups

9 To enable students to plan, control and coach a team in the initiation stages



Alves, F, (1990). Treino de Jovens em natação. s/ed.

Bompa, T. O. (1999). Periodization: Teory and methodology of training. Champaign : Human Kinetics.

Carvalho, M. C. (1994). Natação. Contributo para o Sucesso do Ensino-Aprendizagem. Gráfica 2000.

Carvalho, J. A. (2007). Natação. Agrupamento de escolas de freixo. s/ed.

Carvalho, M.C. (s/d). Introdução à Didáctica da Natação. Editorial Compendium.

Catteau, R.; Garoff, G. O. (1990). O ensino da natação. São Paulo. Manole.

Maglischo, E. (1986). Swimming Faster. Mayfield Publishing Company, Califórnia.

Maglischo, E. (1993). Swimming Even Faster. Palo Alto, Mayfield Publishing Company, Califórnia.

Matveyev, L. (1986). Fundamentos do Treino Desportivo. Lisboa: Horizonte.

Platonov, U. V. (1991). La adaptacion en el deporte. Barcelona. Ed Paidotribo.

Raposo, V. (2006). A carga no treino desportivo. Ed Caminho.

Sarmento, P.; Carvalho, C.; Florindo, I.; Raposo, V. (1982). Aprendizagem Motora e Natação. Edição Instituto Superior de Educação Física.

Santos, C. A. (1996). Natação ? Ensino e Aprendizagem. Rio de Janeiro: Sprint.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology: Theoretical-practical classes with approach to the syllabus contents and their discussion; Laboratory practice classes with video observation and analysis; tutorial orientation meetings. Internship in an organization with protocol with UMa: organization and management of the training and competition process under the guidance of the tutor in the organization. The evaluation is carried out through a theoretical test -20%; of a work of development of a theme-15%; continuous evaluation of the work carried out during the semester with regard to the organization of training and competition, expressed in a 40% trainer dossier; and a critical activity report developed-25%.