Subject: Sports Training I - Dance

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


160 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 Provide students with a global view of basketball, adopting a scientific attitude and a reflexive critical method;

2 Foster in students the ability to drive a training session and a basketball game, and managing the training process / competition;

3 Reveal capacity for initiative and innovation in Basketball Sports Training;

4 Assume availability and motivation to work as a team, focusing on information sharing and behavior of solidarity and mutual support;

5 Use information technologies and effective communication in the application of knowledge of sport and Basketball;

6 Develop the ability of autonomy and sense of social responsibility in guiding the training process.



Araújo, J. (1992). Basquetebol - Preparação Técnica Táctica. FPB/ARB.

Teodorescu, L. (1984). Problemas de Teoria e Metodologia dos Jogos Desportivos Coletivos. Ed. Livros Horizonte, Lisboa.

Adelino, J. (1999). As coisas simples do basquetebol. ANTB, Lisboa.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology: Theoretical and Practical approach to the syllabus and discussion; Laboratory practice classes with video observation and analysis; tutorial orientation meetings. Internship in an organization with protocol with UMa: organization and management of the training and competition process under the guidance of the tutor in the organization. The evaluation is carried out through a theoretical test -20%; of a work of development of a theme-15%; continuous evaluation of the work carried out during the semester with regard to the organization of training and competition, expressed in a 40% trainer dossier; and a critical activity report developed-25%.