Rossana Andreia Neves dos Santos

Adjunt Professor

(+351) 291 705 182 / 5182


- Rethinking touristification as a long-term process. The impact of tourism on the Madeiran cuisine (19th-21st century), Silva, A., & Santos, R., Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation (CITUR), 2020

- Rethinking touristification as a long-term process. The impact of tourism on the madeiran cuisine (19th-21st century), Silva, A. & Santos, R., The Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation (CITUR), 2020, 1

- Assessing public perceptions over tourism and territorial governance and planning decisions. The Case Study of the Madeira Autonomous Region (RAM), Lousada, S., Castanho, R., Santos, R. & Teles, Susana, European University, 2019, 1

- Opportunities for Slow Tourism in Madeira, Valls, J., Mota, L., Vieira, S. and Santos, R., EISSN 207, Sustainability, 2019, 24

- Return Migration and Tourism Sustainability in Portugal: Extracting Opportunities for Sustainable Common Planning in Southern Europe, Santos, R., Castanho, R. and Lousada, S., EISSN 207, Sustainability, 2019, 22

- The Portuguese emigrants return and the impact over tourism development in rural areas, Santos, R., Castanho, R. & Lousada, S., WSB University, 2019, 1

- The role of attachment in the choice of tourism destination of emigrants: a preliminary study, Sousa, B., Santos, R. & Azevedo, D., The Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation (CITUR), 2019, 1

- The role of attachment in the choice of tourist destination of emigrants: a preliminary study, Sousa, B., Santos, R. & Azevedo, D., Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation (CITUR), 2019

- A língua portuguesa e o desenvolvimento do turismo nas áreas rurais da CPLP, Santos, R., 2183-7201, E3 Revista de Economia, Empresas e Empreendedores, 2018, 13

Current Duties

- Representante do corpo docente da ESTG of the Comissão de Direitos, Liberdades e Garantias