Rosa Helena Arnaut Mota Henriques de Gouveia

(+351) 291 705 147 / 5147


- Genetically determined cardiomyopathies at autopsy: the pivotal role of the pathologist in establishing the diagnosis and guiding family screening, Sheppard MN, van der Wal AC, Banner J, d'Amati G, De Gaspari M, De Gouveia R, Di Goia C, Giordano C, Larsen MK, Lynch MJ, Lucena J, Molina P, Parsons S, Suarez-Mier MP, Rizzo S, Suvarna SK, Rijdt WPT, Thiene G, Vink A, Westaby J, Michaud K, Basso C; , Virchows Arch; 482 / Springer, 2023, 17

- Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the heart. A brief overview., Henriques de Gouveia R, Rev Port Cardiol; 42(2) / Elsevier, 2023, 2

- 34th European Congress of Pathology, 34th European Congress of Pathology, 2022

- An Etiological Approach to a Regional Sudden Death Series, Carrington M, Henriques de Gouveia R, Corte Real F, Gonçalves L, Providência R, 34th European Congress of Pathology / Virchows Arch; 481 (Suppl 1) / Springer, 2022, 1

- An Etiological Approach to a Regional Sudden Death Series, Carrington M, Henriques de Gouveia R, Corte Real F, Gonçalves L, Providência R, 34th European Congress of Pathology / Virchows Arch; 481 (Suppl 1) / Springer, 2022

- An Etiological Approach to a Regional Sudden Death Series, Carrington M, Henriques de Gouveia R, Corte Real F, Gonçalves L, Providência R, 34th European Congress of Pathology / Virchows Arch; 481 (Suppl 1) / Springer, 2022

- Anatomia Patológica Forense, Rosa Henriques de Gouveia, Edição Pactor, 2022

- As "Bexigas Negras" e Museus Históricos, Rosa Henriques de Gouveia, Teresa Ferreira, Lina Carvalho, Carlos Robalo Cordeiro, Edições Húmus, 2022

- Dental Abscess and "Unexpected Death", Costa M, Henriques de Gouveia R, Simões da Silva B, Monsanto P, Cordeiro C, Corte Real F, Int J Forensic Sci Pathol; 9(3) / SciDoc Publishors, 2022, 4

- Dermatopathology & Madeira Island, Rosa Henriques de Gouveia, 34th European Congress of Pathology / Handout, 2022

Current Duties

- Representante do corpo docente da FCV of the Comissão de Direitos, Liberdades e Garantias

- Presidente of the Faculdade de Ciências da Vida