Patrícia Carlota Costa Escórcio


Penteada University Campus , Floor 2, Office 2.106


- Full integration of building information modelling education in civil engineering curricula: a proposal, SANTOS, J.; ESCÓRCIO, P., 0304-3797, European Journal of Engineering Education, 2022

- Numerical methods to predict human induced vibrations on low frequency stairs. Part 2: Evaluation by comparing with experimental data, ANDRADE, P.; SANTOS, J.; ESCÓRCIO, P., 2352-0124, Structures, 2021, 13

- Numerical methods to predict vibration serviceability on high frequency stairs, ANDRADE, P.; SANTOS, J.; ESCÓRCIO, P., 17426588, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 7

- Using BIM to improve building energy efficiency - A scientometric and systematic review, PEREIRA, V.; SANTOS, J.; LEITE, F., ESCÓRCIO, P., 03787788, Energy and Buildings, 2021, 15

- Direct Integration Methods versus Modal Superposition Method, on Predicting Staircases Vibrations, ANDRADE, P.; SANTOS, J.; ESCÓRCIO, P., 2452-3216, Procedia Structural Integrity, 2020, 8

- Plano para integração do BIM em diversas disciplinas do curso de Engenharia Civil da UMa, ESCÓRCIO, P.; SANTOS, J, 978-972-752-272-9, PTBIM - 3º congresso português de building information modelling, 2020, 10

- Utilização de ferramentas BIM na avaliação da eficiência energética dos edifícios ? Estado da arte, SANTOS, J.; ESCÓRCIO, P.; PEREIRA, V., 978-972-752-272-9, PTBIM - 3º congresso português de building information modelling, 2020, 10

- Assessing the Impact of Marketing and advertising as Strategic Approaches to Eurocities Development: An Iberian Case Study Approach, Castanho, R.A., Vulevic, A., Naranjo Gómez, J., Cabezas, J., Fernández-Pozo, L., Loures, L., Lousada, S., Escórcio, P. and Kurowska-Pysz, J., European Journal of International Management, 2019, 5015

- Dynamics of the Land Use Changes and the Associated Barriers and Opportunities for Sustainable Development on Peripheral and Insular Territories: The Madeira Island (Portugal)., Rui Alexandre Castanho, Sérgio Lousada, José Manuel Naranjo Gómez, Patrícia Escórcio, José Cabezas, Luis Fernández-Pozo and Luís Loures., 978-953-51-6945-1, IntechOpen, 2019

- Interactions between surrounding landscape biodiversity and temporal rivers: Ecosystem services in agricultural and natural landscapes in Mediterranean environments - Case Study of the Caia River, Tatiana Kaletová; Rui Alexandre Castanho; Jose Martin Gallardo; Luis Loures; José Cabezas; Luis Fernández-Pozo; José Manuel Naranjo Gómez; Sérgio Lousada; Patricía Escórcio; Carlos Pinto-Gomes; Mauro Raposo, 978-83-65621-57-3, The International Congress on Sustainable Development, Public Management and Territorial Governance, 2019

Academic Qualifications

- PhD in Engenharia Civil, 2016, -

- Master Degree in Engenharia Civil, 2009, University of Madeira

- Undergraduate Degree in Engenharia Civil, 2007, University of Madeira

Current Duties

- Director of the Higher Technical Professionals Degree in Energy Rehabilitation and Building Conservation -

- Director of the Higher Technical Professionals Degree in -